2009/4/21 Margie <margierogin...@yahoo.com>:
> Can anyone advise me on what is the best way in the views.py code to
> return an HttpResponse that simply returns the user to the previous
> page they were on?
> For example, let's say that multiple different pages have a button
> that executes some code in views.py, but is not intended to actually
> take the user to a new page.  So after executing that code, I just
> want to redisplay the previous page they were looking at.
> On a slightly more complicated note, say multiple different pages have
> a button that executes some code and then does redirect the user to
> page 'foo'.  Now when the user clicks a 'submit' button on page
> 'foo',  I would like to take them back to wherever they were before
> they got to page 'foo'.
> How do others deal with this?
> Thanks

You can save the previous page in a session variable before making the
redirect and then use it in the foo page.

Antoni Aloy López
Blog: http://trespams.com
Site: http://apsl.net

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