2009/8/11 snfctech <tschm...@sacfoodcoop.com>:
> I'm about to start a fairly large project for a mid-sized business
> with a lot of integration with other systems (POS, accounting,
> website, inventory, purchasing, etc.) The purpose of the system is to
> try to reduce current data siloing and give employees role-based
> access to the specific data entry and reports they need, as well as to
> replace some manual and redundant business processes. The system needs
> to be cross-platform (Windows/Linux), open source and is primarily for
> LAN use.
> My experience is mostly PHP/web/app development, but I have developed
> a few LAN apps using Java/Servoy (like Filemaker). I am leaning
> towards Python/Django - but wondering whether this may be
> unnecessarily web-specific. I really felt Servoy development was very
> rapid, and it was cross-paltform, but it was not open source (not to
> mention that anything custom needed to be Java which I find too
> verbose/ slow to develop in). Or maybe Open Office Base and some
> scripting is sufficient to handle my needs.
> So, my main question is: Does a web framework like Django sound like a
> reasonable platform to build a LAN Dashboard for a mid-sized company?
> Or am I thinking too much like a web developer?

Well, in my oppinion web application has sense because you are going
to forget about upgrading the application each time there is a new
version of windows, and makes the updates a pleasure. You can make the
applications as complicated as you want, you can use Django and add a
javascript front end (Dojo, Extjs, jQuery UI, Qoodoxx, etc) or just
give the users a simple  interface to do they work, you have both

Python means you can make a rapid development and that you have lots,
tons of libraries and routines that are goint to help you. Actually
developing web applications for internal use has lot of sense and
protects your inversion, as the actual application you're making today
for internal use, coud be accessible from outside the company with
nearly no effort.

Just my two cents.

Antoni Aloy López
Blog: http://trespams.com
Site: http://apsl.net

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