El Thu, 17 Sep 2009 10:47:06 +0200
Massimiliano Bertinetti <mber...@gmail.com> escribió:

> Sorry guys I have a question without answer...... I need to write an
> application that take adressbook and appointent/calendar from zimbra and
> manipulate them and relate on table in a django application.
> For example writing invoice for the contact I have on zimbra.
> I find just very old doc on the zimbra-side, is out-there someone that
> do already something similar?

I'm guessing Zimbra uses LDAP to store that data.
What you need to do is fetch data from LDAP, for that you may use python-ldap:


Hope it helps.

P.U. Gonzalo Delgado <gonzalodelg...@fortix.com.ar>

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