In fact, my code had a bug in it -- I was both rolling back and
releasing the savepoint (via a finally). Sorry about that.

For the record this *does* work: you can use savepoints and row-level
locking for synchronization between different processes, as you would


On Dec 18, 2:03 am, shaunc <> wrote:
> Can anyone help me with the following point?
> Does django keep internal state when psycopg throws a
> OperationalError, and how do I clear it?
> The situation is this: I have external processes writing into a django/
> postgres database. To avoid using semaphors, etc, I'm trying to use a
> row level lock and the "savepoint" mechanism to make sure a particular
> process is the only one modifying a certain set of table rows.
> When another process has beat a given one to the punch, I issue a
> "select ... for update nowait" and get an operational error. The
> "except" block does a "rollback to savepoint"... however, if I
> continue on, I still can't use django -- I get an "InternalError".
> I know I can clear this with "connection._rollback()" but there might
> be other things in the transaction that are perfectly good....
> The "rollback to savepoint" should be sufficient: it works when I
> simulate with two psql processes. So django (or psycopg2?) must keep
> some extra state somewhere. Does anyone know where it is and how I
> clear it?
> Thanks!
> -- Shaun


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