El 01/03/10 07:07, cool-RR escribió:
> Adnan, I'm really baffled by your response. No, my reasons for using
> SSL here is not because I'm afraid someone will sniff my data, We are
> talking here about `runserver`, which is the development server which
> is never used for production. The goal of `runserver` is to be able to
> easily test how your Django project behaves before you upload it to
> the real server. 
While it may sound so, the development server isn't really intended to
test *exactly* how a Django project behaves before uploading it to a
production server. There are a couple of cases where it will always fall
short, like serving static media or using SSL. It also can't help you
much to test how a site behaves with a big number of requests per second.
For those cases a staging[0] server is used, which is a copy of the
production server but for testing how the site behaves under certain
conditions or with new features, etc.

[0] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staging_site

Gonzalo Delgado <gonzalo...@gmail.com>

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