"Henning P. Schmiedehausen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Daniel Rall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >I'd rather that these CVS keywords were left out.  They make merging
> >between branches a PITA.
> Hi,
> that's a little late now as we have them in all files. :-)

So we have a few already, big deal.  I'm simply against adding more of

> I consider them good, because the revisions show up in the Javadocs
> which helps finding out what revision is documented in which
> Javadocs.

My experience with @version and @since tags has shown me that they are
most useful when then point to a released version number.  Now, I
realize that releases have been few and far between in Turbine land,
but that is not the direction which we'd like to continue in, is it?

> I do hand-merging by doing "cvs export -r <revision> -kk <package>"
> and then using emacs ediff mode which very much smoothes over this
> problem and auto-merging using cvs update -j does the right thing
> anyway.

I use ediff as well when I have to, but prefer `cvs up -j` to merge
between branches (the case where $Marker: $ tags is the biggest
PITA).  Remembering to add -kk is not something I like spending my
time doing.

> So I don't see a big problem here. Or did I misunderstand you?

Your use case described hand merges.  -k can be used with updates
between branches, but I don't find that having the CVS revision number
show up in the JavaDoc really adds enough value -- I prefer use of
@since tags.


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