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Political Internet probe criticized
Are deputies overreacting?
By Aaron Nathans
May 15, 2004

Local public officials are expressing dismay about how a tiff between
a county supervisor and his former opponent ended in the seizure of
the rival's computers.

Dane County sheriff's deputies seized computers from the south side
home and east side Madison workplace of Patrick DePula. He ran
unsuccessfully against Supervisor Don Eggert in 2002 for a seat on
the Dane County Board. The two are next-door neighbors.

Eggert was the subject of unsigned, disparaging messages posted on
the Internet. Investigators said the messages originated from
DePula's computer. The crime listed on the warrant is stalking.

"I think this is wildly disproportionate to the purported crime, if
there even was a crime," former Ald. Tom Powell said. "In cases like
this, it seems the more obvious response would be a civil charge,
libel or slander. Jumping to the stalking statute is just extreme."




Posted on Sun, May. 16, 2004

Ex-Dean aide gets new life in valley

By Dan Gillmor

Mercury News Technology Columnist

Zack Rosen wanted to change American politics when he signed up with
Howard Dean's presidential campaign a year ago. A University of
Illinois computer-science student, the 20-year-old moved to Vermont
in the fall to be part of the campaign's technology team.

While the Dean campaign has since folded, Rosen's ideas are getting a
second life in Silicon Valley -- though not in the standard way.

With the help of a local venture capitalist, Rosen and several
colleagues are bringing the ``DeanSpace'' online collaboration
software they created for the former presidential candidate to a
wider civic audience.

Called CivicSpace Labs (www.civicspacelabs.org), their venture is
building a software platform for activists. They envision a powerful
and easy to use ``grass-roots organizing tool kit'' that gives people
ways to organize campaigns and then connect with like-minded

While CivicSpace is intended to support progressive and politically
left-leaning organizations at the outset, the code will be openly
available as time goes on.

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