*** Democracies Online Newswire - http://www.e-democracy.org/do ***

During the first week of the recount the Florida-Recount-Announce
e-mail list <http://www.publicus.net/florida.html> played an
important role and remains useful to this day.

People turn to the Internet when there is a scarcity if information.
A large portion of the 500 subscribers are journalists from around
the world looking for nuggets of interesting news.  The verifiable
agenda-setting moment for the list was when I received an e-mail from
about their map of counties color coded by election technology used.
I placed the URL on the list and a day later the map covered the top
page on the second A section of the USAToday.  The head of Election
Data Service verified in person that USAToday found out about the map
from the Florida list.

The discussion list remains active with about 150 people and is one
of the few places people from across the great political divide are
interacting online.  Plenty of sparks, but probably one of the few
places where people are learning about each others perspectives in a
direct way.
See <http://www.egroups.com/messages/florida-recount-discuss>.

Both lists have been run 95 percent by my friend and fellow
E-Democracy volunteer - Rick Birmingham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and his band
of net happy companions.  Most of the content comes from the
participants and we try to screen out the junk from the announce list
and work to keep the discussion list from imploding.

The Announce list is at its best now when primary source stuff floats
through - we now are in the surplus information phase.  I am plenty
fed up with "pundit recount employment act" on television, and the
Internet is one of the few places you get a glimpse into how this
impacts real people.

Below is a long "Primary Source" - worth a read - note that I just
passed on from Politics1 to the Announce list.

Steven Clift
Democracies Online

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date sent:              1 Dec 2000 02:53:17 -0000
To:                     List Member <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From:                   "The Politics1 Report" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                The Politics1 Report - Special Edition - November 30, 2000

The Politics1 Report - http://www.politics1.com/


Ah, the traditional Thanksgiving dinner.  Because my Mother didn't
have time this year to cook for the holiday, we instead we're dining
out in a nice, intimate restaurant for the dinner.  Squash soup with
chestnuts, roast turkey, stuffing, fresh green beans.  Everyone was
there: family, loved ones ... and the two armed sheriff's deputies on
my Mother's protective security detail standing guard out front.
Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself.  Maybe I need to start the story
a few days earlier.

My mother, you see, is Broward County Commissioner Suzanne Gunzburger
(D-FL).  As Chair of the County Commission, it was her turn to serve
as a member of the county's Election Canvassing Board.  So, in a
period of two weeks, she went from being an obscure, local politician
and former school teacher (Vanity Fair columnist Christopher Hitchens
described her as "every Republican's nightmare of a
politically-correct schoolmarm") to being one of the most recognizable
local politicians in America -- revered by Democrats and despised by

In addition to my blood connection to the recount, I have also
maintained friendships for several years with many of the other
participants.  These friends and acquaintances include Broward GOP
Chairman Eddie Pozzuoli, Broward GOP Vice Chairman George LeMieux,
Republican attorneys Bill Scherer and Shari McCartney, County Judge
Robert Lee, Circuit Judge Bob Rosenberg, Larry Davis (Mom's attorney),
Broward Democratic Chairman Mitch Ceasar and a host of the other local
politicos from both sides of the aisle who paraded through the
proceedings at various times.

I'm not going to be making any excuses, explanations or apologies for
what transpired.  Instead -- in a series of almost
"stream-of-consciousness" snapshots -- I'm going to try to simply
report on the colorful, raucous, surreal political circus I observed
and heard over the course of the final days of the important Broward
County manual recount.

* * *

OBSERVER TRAINING SCHOOL.  One young lawyer from Broward who
volunteered to work as an observer at the recount told me the story of
how he came to be working for the Democrats at Broward's Emergency
Operations Center (EOC -- normally the county's hurricane management
headquarters).  He contacted the local Democratic Party, which
instructed him to attend a "certification" class the next day at an
office in Hollywood before they would permit him to start working.  In
the early morning class, he said he and eight others were instructed
on what to look for in the recount and how to act.  "They teach you
the challenges and give you ballot situations where you inspect the
ballots as they are quickly held up for you to see," he explained.
"Most were easy, some were tricky, and you have to yell 'challenge' if
you see anything that could favor Gore, quickly record a note of it
for the lawyers -- all while keeping your attention on the next
ballot."  He said that most of his classmates "were dumb: some people
kept challenging ballots that would favor Bush, while another took so
long to record her challenges that she missed several of the following
ballots.  I was the only person in my group of idiots to pass the
'test.'"   Some of the otherwise elderly group had insufficient
eyesight to adequately review the ballots.  When a group of ladies
didn't pass, they complained that it was their "right to protect our
votes."  The trainer explained to them that their challenges were only
protecting Bush votes -- as they missed all of the Gore challenges --
and he would not allow them to be re-tested.  Another lady asked --
after ten minutes of training if it was a problem that she was a
Republican.  She was quickly informed that she should contact the
Republican Party office if she wished to help -- but that this session
was just for pro-Gore Democrats.  Once approved, the lawyer proceeded
to the EOC at a designated time and was quickly selected to observe
precinct counts.  He described the whole experience as somewhat
"interesting and boring at the same time ... [but] with lots of
political geeks."

* * *

ALL DRESSED UP AND NO PLACE TO GO.  After being vetted by the
respective parties, the volunteer observers were sent to the EOC --
where they waited outside in lines to be selected by the Gore and Bush
staffers to be allowed to proceed inside.  The campaign staffers
showed a clear preference for younger volunteers and for ones dressed
in a professional demeanor (i.e., concerns for how they would look on
TV), often leaving angry seniors and rabid partisans waiting outside
for lengthy periods before being selected (or not selected at all).
One younger volunteer in a Gore shirt was covered front and back with
a multitude of campaign buttons -- simultaneously demonstrating both
his enthusiasm and lack of any common sense (i.e., how did he plan to
sit back in a chair when he had 20+ campaign buttons pinned onto the
BACK of his t-shirt?).

* * *

observers for both camps were commenting that the Democratic break
room in the EOC had much better food than did the Republicans.  The
Democrats had hot food catered and donated from area restaurants,
food/drink distributors, etc. -- resulting in a cornucopia of
delicacies.  The GOP break room, by contrast, had cold box lunches.
Republican volunteers openly grumbled that the Dems had better food.

* * *

EATIN' CHADS.  In the first two days of the count, Republicans lobbed
allegations that Democratic observers -- and even some counters --
were "eating chads" or otherwise manipulating the ballots to force
chads to drop to the floor.  Even 70-year-old Supervisor of Elections
Jane Carroll -- the lone GOP member of the Board (who soon after
resigned because she could not handle the stress) -- discounted these
charges.  Carroll noted that the chads routinely -- and intentionally
-- fly off when the ballots are sent through the tabulating machines.
 She also noted that the chads on the EOC floor could have fallen from
any of the many races on card and would not necessarily have come from
the Presidential part of the ballot.  She said there was no
significance to the chads on the floor.  Broward GOP Chairman Ed
Pozzuoli brandished a bag of fallen chads in a crime scene envelope on
TV and proclaimed that there was "a blizzard of chads" flying around
inside the EOC ... and the "Hurricane Chad" had struck the county's
hurricane command post.  Within another two days, no one cared anymore
about the chads on the floor -- and Canvassing Board members, campaign
workers and attorneys working for both the Bush and Gore camps all had
made souvenirs out of empty EOC envelopes filled with discarded chads.
 When I arrived at the EOC, my mother immediately handed me an EOC
envelope filled with chads (an EOC envelope that I immediately got
autographed by the three canvas board members).  As for the eating of
chads, I can attest that I never saw anyone eat them (except for me).
 I'm not certain about the best way to prepare chads having never seen
a chad recipe -- I don't even know if you're supposed to drink red or
white wine while eating chads (although I suspect white) -- but I did
learn that you'd need to eat a lot of the little 1/8" x 1/16" paper
chads to be able to even taste them.  I ate a few and can tell you
that, despite what you've heard, they taste nothing like chicken.
I've come to the conclusion that chads -- like tofu, Brussels sprouts
and raw oysters -- must be an acquired taste.

 * * *

things that Congressman Peter Deutsch (D-FL) cannot live without.
Like a moth attracted to a porch light at night, Deutsch could not
stay away from the glare of the TV camera spotlights.  Even though he
had no formal role in the counting process, Deutsch was a ubiquitous
presence throughout the entire two weeks of the re-count.  During the
final days of the count, he logged hours each day in front of the
network cameras located downstairs outside the courthouse ... but
spent barely any minutes upstairs observing the actual proceedings
inside Judge Robert Lee's Courtroom 6780.  Even his fellow Democrats
were rolling their eyes and cracking jokes about Deutsch's seemingly
narcissistic infatuation with the cameras.

* * *

"I AWOKE TO YOUR MOTHER IN MY BED."  This was the subject of an email
I received last week ... referring to one of her frequent appearances
on NPR radio in the morning.  My mother was clearly becoming an
anathema to the Republicans -- but she was not ducking the fire.  A
Lexis check showed that she was in over 170 newspaper stories last
week, usually being quoted as saying that Broward would press forward
with the count (and consider "dimples" if they showed voter intent)
unless ordered by a court to stop -- or being lambasted by the Bush
campaign for being pro-Gore.

* * *

INSIDE THE EYE OF THE STORM.  "Where are you?  You need to get here
right away or you're going to miss it," my mother instructed me via my
cell phone.  I was sitting down to eat a quick lunch having just
gotten off the plane in Fort Lauderdale.  She explained that
high-powered Democratic attorney David Boies of New York was going to
imminently face-off against local GOP attorney Bill Scherer at the EOC
to present legal arguments about whether or not to count dimpled
chads.  I stayed to finish my lunch at CPK before heading out to the
EOC.  When I arrived -- about an hour later than planned -- the legal
face-off had yet to occur.  As I made my way into the small Canvassing
Board meeting room inside the EOC, I saw Peter Deutsch giving yet
another interview on the other side of the glass in the adjacent media
room.  Former Florida Congressman Larry Smith (D), some local
Democratic officials, Gore campaign attorneys Charles Lichtman and
Chris Sautter, former Dukakis campaign manager John Sasso and Gore
consultant Paul Pezzella milled about in the big room waiting for the
meeting to start inside the smaller interior room next door.  The
Democrats bitterly complained that Rosenberg, after just half a day of
service, was already "doing everything the Republicans want him to
do."  The Republicans -- led by Montana Governor and likely Bush
Cabinet member Marc Racicot (R) -- had grabbed the glass-enclosed
"good conference room" 20 feet away and were huddled in a strategy
session with Scherer and several other attorneys from Scherer's firm.
 A few of the men in the GOP room each sported a large paper "W" tied
to pink strings around their necks, identifying them as Bush campaign
staffers.  Soon Boies arrived with US Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) in tow
-- although Levin said nothing and seemed there only to lend an
appearance of Congressional Democratic support for Gore's re-count
actions.  Scherer argued first, using a series of huge posters with
excerpts from Board transcripts and affidavits.  In the small, crowded
room, Scherer's gigantic exhibits were much too large.  Boies followed
-- in rumpled blue suit and black sneakers -- using one of Scherer's
own exhibits and providing none of his own.  After both sides made
their arguments -- or mutual soliloquies -- the board simply said
"thank you" to both sides.  While he had a captive audience, Judge Lee
took the opportunity before adjourning the meeting to give a veiled
lecture to Racicot for impugning his integrity in a televised
interview the day before.  The Board then recessed for a few minutes
-- which gave several of the participants from both sides time to get
some autographs from Boies.  Rosenberg -- whom I've known for over a
decade -- came up and asked me if I think he's "doing okay ... I just
don't want to look stupid up there."  When leaving for the day, I saw
Peter Deutsch giving yet another interview.

* * *

DUMB IDEA #1.  Several people sent variants on the following email
suggestion to the Board and campaign officials: "I don't understand
why you people are sitting there trying to guess the intent of the
voters.  If a ballot is unclear, you should just call up the voter and
ask him who he meant to vote for!"  Umm ... with a secret ballot and
all ... that would seem to be a bit impractical as we don't exactly
write our names on our ballots.

* * *

UNITY?  At breakfast at the Floridian diner on Thanksgiving morning --
before we all headed over to Courtroom 6780 of the Broward County
Courthouse -- my friend Dana and I were joined for a while by GOP
Chair Ed Pozzuoli.  After we joked for a little while about the whole
mess, I told Eddie that I still believe that all Americans need to
unite behind the winner -- whomever it ultimately is -- for the sake
of giving legitimacy and moral authority to our next President.
Eddie's answer: "I agree 100% -- so long as it's Bush."  What if Gore
becomes President?  "I will not accept Al Gore as President and I
don't care what damage it does to the country."

* * *

THANKSGIVING DAY.  The Broward Canvassing Board decided to meet on
Thanksgiving, knowing they would need to work through the holiday if
they hoped to finish in time for the Florida Supreme Court's imposed
deadline of Sunday at 5:00 p.m.  Throughout the day, the Gore team
constantly griped about how "lazy" and "irresponsible" the Palm Beach
County Canvassing Board was for taking the holiday off (which
ultimately caused them to miss the deadline by a few hours).  Mother
welcomed everyone with a message of "Happy Thanksgiving.  Welcome to
the parade."  Noting that I was present, she joked that -- in the
family spirit -- she was spending the holiday with her family.  Just a
normal celebration of family values!  I even got to spend a few
minutes as her co-counsel (pro bono, of course) at the table on two of
the days, briefly filling in for attorney Larry Davis while he got
pulled out to handle some other matters.

* * *

OUT IN THE STREET.  In front of the Broward County Courthouse, Bush
and Gore supporters hammed it up for the TV cameras.  The 150+ Bush
supporters easily outnumbered the approximately 40 Gore folks -- so
much so that the police had to keep them segregated into two separate
roped areas with a wide divide in between.  The Gore backers looked
fairly disorganized while the Bush supporters had fresh t-shirts
("Sore-Loserman" and "George W. Bush IS President!" among the most
popular).  The Bush shirts and signs seemed to be coming from the
recreation vehicle parked down the street, as a steady stream of Bush
backers kept entering and exiting the RV with new supplies.  Inquiries
to these Bush folks about planning and financing of the event produced
the repeated stock response: "I'm just a volunteer."  The Bush
supporters also were on the better side of the street -- as all of the
media interview tents had already been erected on what became the Bush
side of the police ropes.  When CNN and others tried to interview --
yet again -- Peter Deutsch, the Bush people tried to shout him down
with calls of "Peter the Cheater" to drown out his remarks.  Police
intervened at one point to rescue a group of Democratic state
legislators who tried to hold a press conference for the television
cameras -- which were located on the Bush side.  Hey, the early bird
gets the better side of the street.  Other sights: the guy paid to
walk around waving a NewsMax.com sign in the background during TV
interviews ... and the Bush supporters who each walked up to me and
asked if I wanted to interview them for their thoughts on the recount

* * *

"I'M READY FOR MY CLOSE UP, MR. DeMILLE."  If you can remember the
courtroom scenes from the satirical comedy movie "Serial Mom" a few
years ago (i.e., the part when Suzanne Summers walks into the
courtroom -- playing herself -- as the celebrity who will play the
killer Mom in the made-for-TV movie within the film, then you'll know
what a lot of the recount felt like everyday in Courtroom 6780.  Both
parties paraded in political celebrities for brief appearances.  The
Democrats sat their folks off to the side in the jury box, while the
Republicans tried to give each of their people a turn as an official
recount observer at the main table with the Board.  A succession of
GOP bigwigs -- many seemingly auditioning for Cabinet seats -- marched
through the courtroom: Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating (possible FBI
Director or Attorney General), Montana Governor Marc Racicot (possible
Interior Secretary), Michigan Governor John Engler (possible Labor
Secretary), New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman (Roll Call
reported today she is a potential Bush Cabinet member), Indiana
Congressman Steve Buyer (possible Veterans Affairs Secretary) ... plus
South Dakota Governor Bill Janklow, California Congressman Duncan
Hunter, Arkansas Congressman Asa Hutchinson and 1996 GOP Presidential
nominee Bob Dole.  Democrats brought in a parade of largely local
officials -- mainly Broward School Board Members, local elected
officials and Florida state legislators -- plus US Senator Barbara
Mikulski (D-MD), Congresswoman Corrine Brown (D-FL) and Congressmen
Alcee Hastings (D-FL), Peter Deutsch (D-FL) and Jerry "Hint of Fascism
in the Air" Nadler (D-NY).  The rotund Nadler had trouble squeezing
his immense frame into one of the jury box chairs along side the main
table -- and said little during his very brief visit to Courtroom 6780.

* * *

DUMB IDEA #2.  Some people emailed variants on this comment to Board
members and the campaigns: "I voted for Al Gore but I now want to
change my vote to Bush.  Tell me what I need to do to change my vote?"
 One top GOP operative joked that "those people should lose their
right to vote."  A Democratic state representative added that maybe
Florida should simply "impose some kind of intelligence test" for voters

* * *

THE PATTERN ... AND THE PERCEPTION.  While the perception was that the
three board members were often split 2-1 (my mother and Judge Lee
viewed as pro-Gore and Judge Rosenberg viewed as pro-Bush), the
reality was that the board voted 3-0 on at least 80% of all of the
ballots.  Still, the Republicans constantly complained -- and still do
-- that my mother was clearly pro-Gore ("I see a very slight but clear
indent at #3 with one corner partially dislodged and light coming
through just slightly at the corner if you hold it up.  This is
clearly a Gore vote.").  The Democrats, meanwhile, complained that
Judge Rosenberg was taking instructions from the GOP and intentionally
trying to delay the process with his lengthy examinations of each
individual ballot in order to miss the Secretary of State's new
certifying deadline for the revised totals ("[look at ballot, remove
eyeglasses, look at ballot up close again] this ballot appears to be a
ballot that has been voted successfully in other races on the ballot
... [long pause, use magnifying glass] ... no vote in the Presidential
race ... [long pause, hold the ballot up to the ceiling light again]
... no reasonable certainty so this is a 'no vote' [put eyeglasses on
again]").  Judge Lee, who as chair would vote last, usually just
remarked quickly during splits: "I agree with the Commissioner" or "I
agree with Judge Rosenberg."

* * *

THE CHINESE MENU. A Republican joke:  "It's getting near dinner time
and they hand Sue Gunzburger a Chinese restaurant menu.  She studies
it for just a second and then pronounces 'I see a bump at #3. It's a
Gore vote.'  One of the other board members tells Gunzburger that #3
on the Chinese menu is Orange Crispy Chicken.  'I don't care, I still
say it?s a Gore vote,' she responds."  Mom thought this one was pretty

* * *

THE BODYGUARDS.  Because of some rather threatening and hostile phone
messages, Internet postings and emails, all three of the canvassing
board members had bodyguards from the Broward County Sheriff's Office
with them around-the-clock until the day after they finished working.
 Thus, we came to have the two gentlemen accompany us to our
Thanksgiving dinner at a nice, local restaurant.  My mother, as you
can imagine, did not have time to cook this year.  One Republican
emailed me that the Board members were "too busy stuffing the ballot
to find the time to stuff the turkey this year."  And, yes, we also
made sure the deputies ate a nice Thanksgiving dinner.

* * *

"Tonight Show" used a news clip of Judge Rosenberg squinting at a
ballot and using a magnifying glass as a mock TV commercial for laser
corrective eye surgery.  Back in Courtroom 6780 the next day, one news
photographer tells the paunchy, balding jurist: "Next to Brad Pitt,
you're probably the most photographed man in America right now."
Judge Rosenberg, generally a very private man, sarcastically responds:
"Great, that's just what I need."

* * *

BACK IN THE STREETS ... The Bush and Gore crowds out front are yelling
nasty chants back and forth.  Of course, they're all too far removed
in distance to be heard or seen by anyone in or around Courtroom 6780.
 "Na-na-na-na, Na-na-na-na, Hey, Hey, Goodbye," the Bush people
chanted towards the Gore side.  The small band of Gore partisans
vainly tried to drown out the word "goodbye" by shouting "D-U-I" at
key moments in the GOP chant.   The Gore people shouted: "Bought and
paid for!" at the Bush camp -- and the Bush crowd loudly responded:
"No we're not!"  That one was a reference to the Democratic jokes
about many in the GOP crowd being paid operatives flown into Florida
just to create a presence in the street ... "because there are no
Republicans that actually live in Broward County."  Democrats have
referred to the well-dressed crowd as the "Brooks Brothers
demonstrators" ... and made fun of the nearby valet parking being used
by some of the Bush people ("Valet parking for a demonstration,"
sneered a top Gore operative).  A few of the Bush staffers in the
street and in the courtroom sported blue baseball caps with a large
"W." and a smaller "Bush Recount Club" stitched in orange across the
front.  The Bush people happily note that many of the key Gore
staffers on the scene were also flown in from other states.

* * *

I COULD USE A DRINK.  Broward Public Defender Al Schreiber (D) --
recently re-elected to a seventh term -- stopped by the recount
dressed in shorts and a colorful Hawaiian shirt.  His office, although
closed for the holiday weekend, is in the same new wing of the
courthouse as Courtroom 6780.  Schreiber has always been a rather
refreshingly outspoken guy (1992: "They say Clinton is a draft dodger,
a pot smoker and a womanizer -- I like those qualities in a man!") --
and he also commands a rather large machine of efficient Democratic
workers.  Schreiber made a few wry observations, then invited some
friends and reporters to come down to his third floor office for
drinks from his legendary frozen daiquiri machine.

* * *

O.J. CAN HELP!  Another joke circulating was that new Miami resident
O.J. Simpson was offering to help Gore.  According to the GOP joke,
O.J. invited Gore to join him so together they could search the state
for Nicole's "real" killers ... and all the "missing" Gore votes.

* * *

MAKING AN EFFORT.  Most of the "celebrity" observers took the second
or third GOP chairs at the table, leaving the task of actually
reviewing each ballot to one of the GOP lawyers in the first seat.
One exception was Governor Keating, who dutifully took the main chair
and leaned in for a close look at each ballot.  He was a gentleman
throughout the proceedings, making an effort to keep the atmosphere
civil.  During one of the breaks, Keating told me that the Board
members appeared "to be three good people trying to make the best of a
very bad process."  He said his objections were "entirely systemic" --
that it was wrong to recount just selective Democratic counties.  When
asked if the Bush campaign should have asked for a hand recount of the
entire state, Keating said "the [Bush] campaign let the clock run out
on that one.  I wasn't a part of that decision ... but a statewide
hand count might have solved some of these problems.  Maybe the people
would have been satisfied with the fairness ... but, with this way,
they're stretching to find votes for Gore or Bush."

* * *

STUFF YOU CAN LEARN ON THE INTERNET.  After Matt Drudge pasted Mom's
picture on the lead story of his DrudgeReport.com site all last
weekend ("Gunzburger's Gall: Transcripts from Broward Recount Show
Hunt for Gore Votes as Race Tightens"), enraged conservatives let
loose a volley of attacks against my mother on various sites.  On
FreeRepublic.com, there were at least six message threads dedicated to
bashing her -- and there were more on Lucianne.com (including one
irresponsible posting containing an actual death threat ...
subsequently removed) and other sites.  From those message boards, I
learned a lot about Mom that I had never known before.  Among these
revelations were that Mom is a communist, a socialist, a "descendant
of Adolf Hitler", a crook, a lesbian, the lesbian lover of Palm Beach
Canvassing Board Member Carol Roberts, and lots more stuff.  There
were also some folks who impolitely called her various nasty names.
One person called her a "wrench" and another called her a "winch"
(note: while both of these items may be useful in an auto repair shop,
I think the word these two illiterate folks meant to use was "wench").
 And -- FYI -- I also learned on FreeRepublic that I was apparently
having a secret sexual relationship with openly gay Judge Lee (thus
apparently explaining why he was siding so often with my mother on the
split 2-1 votes).  The black helicopter crowd was also at work on the
net, noting in one posting that my Politics1 Report newsletter was
"eerily accurate" with the recent election predictions "as if he [ME!]
had some advance knowledge of how the votes were going to go."  It
must all be true because I read it online.  Just ask Pierre Salinger
... because how could anything on the Internet possibly be false?

* * *

and Judge Lee and tired of pizza or sandwiches for yet another meal.
They told Deputy County Attorney Norm Ostrau that they wanted Thai
food for dinner.  Ostrau -- who apparently dislikes Thai food --
disgustedly walked up to me and pleads that I talk my mother out of
the idea because it will be too complicated.  When the board takes a
break, my mother and Judge Lee still want Thai food.  Judge Rosenberg
adamantly doesn't want Thai or Chinese food, saying that he can't eat
anything with MSG.  Ostrau then tells me to handle the food order if
my mother still insists on Thai food.  Fine, so I handle it.  The
restaurant says they don't use any MSG.  Judge Rosenberg says he'll
still eat the sandwich he brought from home.  I then find a way to
order Thai food for 30 (ten servings each of a beef dish, a chicken
dish and Pad Thai noodles ... plus spring rolls and steamed rice) for
the board, staff and deputies.  The restaurant had to check with the
owner before agreeing to make the food -- and then we put the charge
on a county credit card.  Of course, since it's the Thanksgiving
holiday weekend, no place was willing to deliver to the courthouse.  I
asked a Democratic activist standing nearby if he would volunteer to
pick-up the food -- and I even tried to find a GOP volunteer to go
with him (hey, I was trying to keep everything balanced).  The
Republicans rudely refuse to help the guy (they even call him a few
nasty names), so the guy is forced to go out on his own to pick up the
food.  A few minutes later the Republicans come back to me and
apologized, saying that they would have been willing to help ... but
not with that particular Democratic activist.  The deputies later help
the guy get the food to the courtroom ... only to realize they have no
plates for the food.  After a scramble, some plates are finally
located -- so they don't have to eat out of paper coffee cups (the
initial suggestion).  See, nothing is easy with the recount.  The New
York Times asked the Board if they could photograph them eating dinner
during the meal recess, but the board rejected the request.  By the
way, Judge Rosenberg ended up eating the MSG-free Thai food (and he
didn't get ill).  And Ostrau was still griping about the meal the next

* * *

GETTING STRANGE.  Maybe she was auditioning for a role as an Ewok in
an upcoming Star Wars movie (note: Ewoks were the little guys in the
"Empire Strikes Back" movie) ... because how else can one explain this
story?  When the Board recognized US Senator Barbara Mikulski (D), the
diminutive Mikulski responded with a booming: "God bless you.  May the
force be with you!"  Huh?  Governor Christie Whitman's "It's a
pleasure to watch democracy at work" comment earlier that day somehow
seemed a bit more dignified.

* * *

BOB DOLE'S EVIL TWIN.  Bob Dole stopped by the recount to be a GOP
observer on two separate days.  On the first day, Dole looked great --
appearing tanned, smiling and wearing a dark blue suit and red tie.
On the second day, Dole looked like Bela Lugosi's corpse ... looking
surly, wearing a powder blue polyester jacket and open shirt, with his
hair dyed too dark for the very pale tint of makeup he was now wearing
from his earlier TV appearances.  After Dole was ready to leave again,
the Board took a recess and lawyers from each side posed for separate
photographs with Dole.  Dole then walked out and told cameras that the
Democrats were trying to steal the election -- and singled my mother
out for specific criticism as a hardcore Gore partisan.

* * *

PUBLIC TOURS.  Members of the public were also allowed to squeeze into
two rows of benches in Courtroom 6780.  They had to sign up on waiting
lists to get their ten-minute turns in the courtroom.  On Thanksgiving
Day, a German tourist in a t-shirt and sandals slipped into the part
of the courtroom reserved for the media -- and minutes later was
standing on the benches taking souvenir snapshots with his plastic
pocket camera.  At one point an older guy wandered in during a break
on the final day, sporting mussed hair, chewing gum, sipping from a
Coke cup in his hand and wearing a South Dakota State University
tracksuit.  It turns out the guy wasn't a tourist -- as the "tourist"
was actually South Dakota Governor Bill Janklow (R).  The Republican
team found Janklow a chair along the back rail -- but did not invite
him to sit at the main table.

* * *

GETTING SNIPPY.  "No clear voter intent.  No vote," says my mother.
The ballot was then passed to Judge Rosenberg, who removed his thick
eyeglasses and slowly studied the ballot with a large magnifying
glass.  After about a minute, Rosenberg pronounced that he can see
"some dimpling" and "marks around #2 [the Bush ballot spot] ... It's a
Bush vote."  The ballot was then handed to Judge Lee, who quickly
said: "I don't see any marks.  This is a 'no vote.'"  Rosenberg tries
to appeal this decision, asking Lee if he'd like to use the magnifying
glass to examine the ballot again.  "If I have to use a magnifying
glass just to see something, then there is obviously no clear voter
intent demonstrated on the ballot," Lee snaps back.  Lee, normally
exceedingly polite and easygoing, just wants to keep the count moving
so they can all get finished.

* * *

HIGH PRAISE INDEED.  Congresswoman Corrine Brown (D-FL) stopped by the
show for the final two hours of the recount late on Saturday night --
with three aides in tow.  Taking a break from one of her frequent cell
phone calls to the Rev. Jesse Jackson in Palm Beach County ("Jesse
says that Bob Dole is talking crazy on TV tonight because he's
overdosing on Viagra"), Brown turned to me and said: "Your mother is
doing a great job.  She's a real hero."  Considering Brown's ongoing
problems with the FBI, I don't think we'll be seeing that comment
appearing on Mom's next re-election campaign brochures in 2002.

* * *

SILLY SEASON.  Everyone was getting kind of punch drunk towards the
final hours.  When Governor Whitman returned to the count later in the
evening for a second shift at the table -- after doing the TV news
show circuit -- she pointed to the bag of Dove chocolates on the table
and commented "I came back for the chocolates.  They don't have any
good candy in Palm Beach County."  "I brought the chocolates," Mom
volunteered, "it was my husband's idea."  Judge Lee quickly joked that
"we also have Altoids ... the 'surprisingly strong mint.'"  "I wonder
what these free commercials on national TV are worth to Dove and
Altoids," the judge mused.

* * *

A WISE MAN ONCE SAID ...  About an hour before the end of the recount,
my mother inexplicably stopped the recount for a brief moment to read
aloud from the sappy message printed inside of her Dove candy
wrappers: "The best reward for a good deed is to have done it," she
giddily exclaimed.  Congressman Steve Buyer -- a GOP observer at the
table -- then responded in kind: "My wrapper says 'Love is like a
sheltering tree.'  Gee, can?t we all feel the love here," he mockingly
asked in a deadpan voice.

* * *

THE END.  "The last ballot," announced Judge Lee as he held up the
final ballot just before midnight on Saturday night.  This prompted a
loud round of applause from the audience.  "It's a Gore vote," my
mother loudly announced and smiled.  Rosenberg disagreed, but Lee
agreed it is a Gore vote.  With that, the manual recount in Broward
was finished.  Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA) quickly stepped
forward to ask the three board members to sign a voided ballot he
obtained from a county attorney -- and they happily obliged him.
Within moments, requests for autographed voided ballots came from many
of the participants on both sides.  The three board members -- using a
single pad of about fifty official ballots (each previously stamped
"Void") -- autographed ballots for a few minutes as the accountants
verified the final vote tally and County Attorney Ed Dion prepared the
certification papers.  Gore attorney and published novelist Charles
Lichtman inscribed gift copies of his latest book to each of the Board
members and several of the others involved in the process.  The
Democratic and Republican teams of opposing attorneys shook hands with
each other, some even exchanged hugs, and then they all posed for a
few souvenir group photographs.  After a few minutes, the Board then
signed the official papers and the Broward recount was history.  A
county attorney flew the papers to Tallahassee the next morning.  Hmmm
... how long will it be until one of those signed ballots surfaces in
an Ebay auction?  And, if you're wondering, Judge Rosenberg kept the
large magnifying glass (but says he'd give it to the Smithsonian if
they want it).

* * *

UMM ... YOU'RE A LITTLE LATE.  On Sunday morning -- the morning after
Broward had completed its recount -- MSNBC found just two women with
Bush signs standing in front of the closed courthouse.  The older
woman, resplendent in elegantly-styled white hair, dark blue blouse
and large pearl necklace, explained she was out-of-town for the past
few days but still wanted to come down to the courthouse now to show
her support for Bush.  She mentioned she also brought a "friend" with
her.  The "friend" -- a middle-aged Venezuelan woman who could have
easily been the older woman's housekeeper if this were a TV sitcom --
explained in her heavily-accented English that she was angry because
she "came to the United States from Venezuela twenty years ago just to
vote for George W. Bush and they are stealing my vote!"  Twenty years ago?

* * *

THE CHECKOUT LINE AT PUBLIX. A trip to the supermarket quickly showed
Mom how fleeting her fame was (excluding the 5,000+ angry emails that
awaited her at the office in Monday).  Twelve hours earlier, she was
viewed live on national TV and then gave a 1:00 a.m. interview to
CBS's "60 Minutes" show.  Now, she was pushing her cart through the
aisles at Publix.  At the checkout, she used the lane staffed by a
woman who has worked at the store for years.  "How was your
Thanksgiving, Sue," the woman asked my Mother.  "I had to work,"
responded Mom.  "Oh, that's too bad.  I got the day off," said the
cashier.  Life returning to normal.  Mom and Rosenberg proceed to
reject invitations for some TV interviews over the next few days, with
Rosenberg explaining that he just wants to "go back to being anonymous

* * *

UNWINDING?  Ah ... back in DC ... away from the TV for the night ...
and away from the recount and court contests.  Sitting in the MCI
Center last night, watching a hockey game -- the Caps versus Tampa Bay
(although I'm a Florida Panthers fan ... and, yes, I know they
Panthers suck this season).  The recount seemed like a long way away
... and far from my mind ... until a nearby fan (obviously a Democrat)
angrily yelled at one of the officials: "Hey, Ref, what kind of call
was that?  You're as crooked as Katherine Harris!"  Oh well.

* * *

SOME FINAL WORDS.  Okay, so the South Florida ballots are being driven
up to Tallahassee right now for the upcoming court hearing.
Presumably -- in true South Florida tradition -- they tied one of
those fuzzy things to the truck antenna and will make the slow-speed
drive with the left turn signal blinking throughout the many hours it
takes to get to the state capital.  The long drive to Tallahassee is
being covered live on TV from overhead helicopter shots -- prompting
O.J. Simpson to weigh in today with a comparison to his nationally
televised police chase of his white Bronco truck [note: I'm not making
this part up!]: "In my case it may have been a little more intriguing
because people didn't know what was going to happen.  Here they know
the ballots are going to get to Tallahassee."

I agree with Governor Keating.  I think the Broward Canvassing Board
consisted of three honorable, hard-working people who each tried to do
their best under very difficult circumstances.  Each applied somewhat
different personal standards when reviewing the ballots (note: one of
the GOP objections) but collectively did what they thought was
correct.  Personally, I probably would have applied a slightly more
restrictive personal standard when reviewing the ballots (but, then
again, I wasn't one of the three people sitting on the board).

All in all, I think I did a fairly good job of staying somewhat
balanced during these rather surreal events.  I felt at times like an
extra in a crowd scene of some bizarre Fellini film of patients in a
mental ward (this is NOT a reference to the Board... but a reference
to EVERYONE involved, including the media!).  The next issue of the
Politics1 Report will return to our customary format ... with
political developments from around the nation.  No more recount stuff.
 I promise.

Until next time,

Ron Gunzburger
Politics1 - http://www.politics1.com

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