*** Democracies Online Newswire - http://www.e-democracy.org/do ***

Get your printers ready.  The "VoxPolitics Primer - How to use the
Internet effectively, securely, and legally in election campaigns"
knocks the socks off (is better than) any other online campaigning
guide to date.  Most of it is useful for campaigns in any country. I
encourage you to download this in PDF or Word, print it out, and pass
it on.

Their report is available in multiple formats including HTML from:


Below is their press release.

Steven Clift
Democracies Online

From:                   "VoxPolitics" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              Fri, 27 Apr 2001 14:08:20 +0100
Subject:                VoxPolitics is live!
Priority:               normal

VoxPolitics is live...

The VoxPolitics site which focuses on the use of the Internet in
political campaigning is now live at: http://www.voxpolitics.com

Thanks to everyone who came to our launch event at the Stationery
Office bookshop yesterday. For those who couldn't make it, we attach
a copy of our launch press release.

Please visit the site for news, features, debate, and to access the
VoxPolitics primer, the first ever practical handbook for
Parliamentary candidates on how to use the net efficiently,
effectively, securely and legally in their campaigns. The primer has
a foreword by Sir Paddy Ashdown.

For ongoing news on how politicians use the Internet in the
forthcoming general election campaign, please sign up to our email
newswire by entering your email address on our home page or email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] You will not be placed on this list
automatically, so please sign up!

Best regards,

Dan Jellinek


Date:   Thursday 26th April 2001
Embargo:        Thursday 26th April 2001, 00.01
Contact:        Susie Winter/Ben Rich (Luther Pendragon) 020 7618 9100 or
mobile 07720 814 208

New on-line campaign says email jokes win votes.

On-line campaign experts, VoxPolitics, today warned politicians and
the political community that e-mail, not web-sites, would be the main
Internet vote-winner in the forthcoming election, and could make the
key difference in some marginals.

"We estimate that the three main parties have already spent in excess
of £300k on developing state-of-the-art web sites," says Dan
Jellinek, VoxPolitics Director.  "However, evidence from both the US
and here in Britain strongly suggests that the relatively cheap
medium of e-mail will be the key on-line distributor of core messages
and vote movements".

The VoxPolitics Primer - the first ever practical handbook on
Internet campaigning for UK Parliamentary candidates, published to
mark the campaign's launch - describes email as "the killer
application".  It describes email as cheap, instant, flexible,
storable and allowing more time for thought than telephone

VoxPolitics co-Director, James Crabtree of the Industrial Society,
argues that email jokes are a particularly powerful tool in political
campaigning.  He says that the email-spread 'Sore Loserman' epithet
severely damaged Gore's hopes of forcing a full recount in Florida.
He points out that 54% of the US electorate recall receiving a
politically-inspired joke during the recent elections, as compared
with only 25% who recall receiving any other political

Continued overleaf…
 Crabtree - who worked as a 'webmaster' during the recent US
elections - says:

"email really worked in the USA.  Both parties and individuals used
it.  In contrast, web sites were mostly visited by supporters and did
not prove effective."

Crabtree argues that the phenomenon is equally powerful in Britain,
claiming that the success of last year's petrol price campaign can be
put down to the use of the smartgroups email list.

 In a foreword to the Primer, Rt Hon Sir Paddy Ashdown MP (one of the
first politicians to go on-line), warns politicians not to shy away
from the potential of email:

"Though far too few politicians realise it, we are a service
industry.  And increasingly people will want to use the Net to
contact us, just as they do their Bank or building Society," he

Along with the candidates' Primer, VoxPolitics is also launching its
own manifesto, both of which will be posted to its new web site,


VoxPolitics' launch is sponsored by The Stationery Office, a provider
of official, professional and business information and the UK's
largest publisher by volume, publishing over 11,000 books and CD-ROMs
a year, plus a range of multiple-media products and services, the
Institute of Public Policy Research (IPPR), the Social Market
Foundation and the Industrial Society.

VoxPolitics is a web, email and print publishing campaign on Internet
Politics. The project is a partnership between four leading
commentators on e-democracy in the UK: James Crabtree, Dan Jellinek,
Phil Cain and Tom Steinberg.

· James Crabtree is Project Director in the Futures Unit of the
Industrial Society and former researcher at the Labour leaning think-
tank, the IPPR.
· Dan Jellinek is Director of Headstar (http://www.headstar.com), a
new media publisher with a five-year track record pioneering virtual
policy think-tanks and editor of E-Government Bulletin, the first
email newsletter on e-government.
· Phil Cain is Deputy Editor of E-Government Bulletin and previously
he worked as a writer and researcher at The Economist and as a global
media analyst at Saatchi & Saatchi.
· Tom Steinberg is a Research Fellow at the right of centre Institute
of Economic Affairs. He also writes for the Parliamentary IT briefing
and The Register.

^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -     E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -    T: +1.612.822.8667
USA    -   -   -   -   -   -   -     ICQ: 13789183

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