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I just bumped into some very interesting election-related XML
developments while reading the International Press Telecommunications
Council's <<http://www.iptc.org> June newsletter

Actually I started here <http://www.drop.org/> which led me here
<http://xmlhack.com/read.php?item=1283> and reminded me that I never
got an answer to my questions to the NewsML developers about
about how reader feedback mechanisms would be built into the standard
for future global news exchange.

I still want to know if e-mail/web form replies to the original
journalists as well as an optional links to web comment boards that
would bring together all the readers of a particular story will have
their own data fields or be dumped unstandardized into some field
requiring manual interpretation. Is the default to shield journalists
from feedback?  Is the default to discourage meaningful, critical
mass two-way communication about a story?  I am also interested in
how "source" documents (not journalist "sources") such as referenced
government reports or online versions of original press releases can
be passed along to make it easier for editors to pick useful related
material for direct linking or print presentation for the readers.

To the many inspiration for this post ...

Election Markup Language Development

The May 15 minutes below give a good sense of the goals and timeline
for this project.  The "juice" is in here:

In terms of priorities and what will be adopted by states and
national governments, I wonder if focusing on election and voter
_information_ services (like candidate lists, general voter
information guides, etc.) might be the place to start verse actual
ballot transactions?  I am interested in the "integrated voter
experience" where all official documents and processes are presented
consistent "brand identified" way to citizens in a specific
jurisdiction (ahh, this looks like an election-related document, just
as tax forms and support material look like official tax
information).  As far I understand, XMLizing voting related
information would allow much easier use of templates for display of
the core information so the usability of both paper and online
products could be systematically improved while maintain a more
uniform look and feel.

I am also particularly interested in how information systems can be
built to aide the syndication of "governance" information directly
from government sources to third parties (.orgs, .coms, other .govs
etc.) (i.e. who is my representative, how are they voting, when are
they up for re-election) could be leveraged for election year
"specials" and include information on other candidates for that same
office.  The .com and .org election-only directories of recent years
seem extremely expensive when most (not all) are designed in such
that they are not usable the day after an election.

In the end, this OASIS committee needs a substantial level of direct
participation by technical representatives of government election
offices (the UK e-envoy's office is a start - I can understand why
they are involved since they pledged to have all government service
electronically available by 2005
<http://www.e-envoy.gov.uk/ukonline/progress/anrep1/030.htm#04> and
voting is a service (right?), then the top government decision to
allow some form of electronic voting in the UK has already been made
... to not do so would be a break with existing policy!)  In the
U.S., NASED-members <http://www.nased.org> have the real power in
election administration. They need to be front and center in any
voting related effort to increase the likelihood of adoption.
Perhaps they are involved - please advise?  For information on
joining any OASIS group including this one, see
<http://www.oasis-open.org/join/> - $250 for an individual and more
for organizations.

Steven Clift
Democracies Online


OASIS Election and Voter Services TC The purpose of the Election and
Voter Services Technical Committee is to develop a standard for the
structured interchange of data among hardware, software, and service
providers who engage in any aspect of providing election or voter
services to public or private organizations. The services performed
for such elections include but are not limited to voter
role/membership maintenance (new voter registration, membership and
dues collection, change of address tracking, etc.),
citizen/membership credentialing, redistricting, requests for
absentee/expatriate ballots, election calendaring, logistics
management (polling place management), election notification, ballot
delivery and tabulation, election results reporting and demographics.

More ...

Election Services TC Member List

Name Representing email

Oliver Bell Microsoft [EMAIL PROTECTED]
John Borras UK e-Envoy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tim Bovee Associate Press (IPTC) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kevin Broadfoot Baltimore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Anwar Choudhury UK e-Envoy
Robin Cover XML Cover Pages [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stephen Farrell Baltimore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Steven Hagan Unisys [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mike Hudson UK e-envoy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jason Kitkat Free Project [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Alex Leventhal Accenture [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Peter Livesey UK e-envoy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gregg McGilvray election.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ed McLaughlin Accenture [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Michael Minnich Voting Integrity Project [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Deborah Phillips Voting Integrity Project [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dan Ryan Accenture [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Krishna Sankar Cisco Systems [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thom Wysong Technodemocracy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Michael Zolotarev Baltimore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Election and Voter Registration Technical Committee

                              Minutes of Meeting 15-May 2001

Meeting Format: Face-to-face with teleconference

Chair: Gregg McGilvray

Location: election.com Headquarters, 1001 Franklin Ave., Garden City,
New York 11530, USA

Attendees: In person - Gregg McGilvray, Dan Ryan, Alex Leventhal; Via
teleconference - Michael Minnich, Oliver Bell,
Karl Best, Tim Bovee, Steven Hagan, Jason Kitkat, Deborah Phillips,
TJ Rainsford, Krishna Sankar, Thom Wysong

The meeting was called to order by Mr. McGilvray at 2:03 PM EDT

Mr. McGilvray welcomed everyone and went through a brief explanation
of XML for the benefit of the non-technical
attendees. He also explained that OASIS was chosen to host the
standard because of their openness, vendor
independence, and global scope.

Karl Best, Director of Technical Operations, gave an overview of
OASIS including its charter and the process and
conduct of its technical committees. He also explained the
Intellectual Property Rights policy of OASIS and suggested
that more information could be obtained from the organizations web
site http://www.oasis-open.org.

Mr. McGilvray gave a background on the committee including the
timeframes observed for the formation of the
committee, call for participation, and the deadline and requirements
for becoming a voting member. The requirements for
being a voting member at the first meeting were to have signed up for
the committee prior to May 1, 2001 and attend the
first meeting. He also stated that anyone signed up for the committee
before this meeting would be able to vote at the next
face-to-face meeting (which will be scheduled for more than 60 days
from this meeting date) if there were any issue to
vote upon. The requirements for becoming a voting member after the
May 1 deadline are either attendance at three
meetings or passing the 60 day probationary period, whichever comes

A standing rule was established for conducting business and voting by
email to accommodate worldwide members. The
discussion list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) may be
posted to by committee members and will be publicly
archived at http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/election-services.
The public may make comments and suggestions at

It was decided to conduct teleconference meetings every three weeks
and face-to-face meetings approximately every 2
months. If alternate meeting locations are made available we will
take advantage of them to ease travel burdens on those
wishing to attend meetings in person. It was suggested by a US west
coast participant that future meetings could start as
early as 7:00 AM PST (10:00 AM EDT, 14:00 GMT). There was no

The committee business began with an outline of areas of interest
that were submitted in the documentation for the
formation of the committee. It was suggested that these areas were
only a starting point and could be amended or altered
as the committee saw fit. The areas included: 1) Ballot generation
and return vote tabulation, 2) Security (including
authentication, authorization, and auditing), 3) Voter registration
and membership role management, 4) Reporting and
demographics, 5) Accessibility. The security areas of authorization,
auditing, and authentication were originally separate
items but Mr. Sankar suggested that they be combined under the
umbrella of "Security".

The phases for completion of the above areas with the deliverable
dates were broken down as follows:

Phase I -
  Ballot delivery and Vote Return

Deliverable: Specification ready for OASIS vote by November 15, 2001.

Phase II -
  Election Notification
  New voter/membership registration
  Voter/membership management
  Absentee expatriate ballot request
  Results Reporting

Deliverable: Specification ready for OASIS vote by May 15, 2002.

Phase III -
  Election Calendaring
  Those items yet to be identified

Deliverable: Specification ready for OASIS vote by November 15, 2002.

Phase I Action Items:
  Gregg McGilvray will make available to the distribution list by
early next week his draft of the ballot and return vote
specification (BML).
  Dan Ryan will do some research into accessibility issues and the
role of data interchange as it relates to accessibility.
  Krishna Sankar will begin the leg work in coordinating with the
Security Services Committee and begin addressing the
security concerns of this committee.
  All members will consider any other needs which need to be
addressed and the timeframes for addressing them.
  Other Matters brought before the meeting:

Several members expressed concerns that the imposition of a fee to
become an OASIS member may be a barrier to entry
for some not-for-profit groups and may give the appearance of being a
close committee for that reason. A discussion with
OASIS will follow.

Ms. Phillips suggested that we promote the standard to ensure a
broader acceptance of and participation in the standard.
She, Mr. Rainsford, and other members suggested various individuals
and group that should be contacted to support this
idea. Groups such as NASS (Sharon Priest), ITAA, National Commission
of election Reform, etc. were suggested and
members will follow up with them.

Mr. Rainsford suggested forming relationships with other standards
groups such as NITF and Mr. Sankar suggested that
we form binding subcommittees with such groups.

A suggestion was made to make a list of committee members available
to all committee members.

A suggestion to post name and email address to the mail list and web
site met no resistance and will be posted shortly.

Mr. Ryan and Mr. Sankar responded to a call for volunteers for the
position of committee secretary and committee editor
respectfully. Mr. McGilvray will continue to act as web master.

Future Meetings:
  June 12, 2001 teleconference only
  July 24, 2001 face-to-face and teleconference

OASIS Election and Voter Services Technical Committee
Teleconference Meeting Minutes
June 12, 2001, 10 AM Eastern Daylight Savings Time


Gregg McGilvray, election.com, Chairman
Tim Bovee, Associated Press (IPTC)
Steven Hagan, Unisys
Tracy Lewin, election.com
Brian McCormick, election.com
Deborah Phillips, Voting Integrity Project
Kathy Procope, Accenture
TJ Rainsford, IFES
Dan Ryan, Accenture
Krishna Sankar, Cisco Systems
Thom Wysong, Technodemocracy

Previous Meeting’s Minutes

No additions or changes to the previous meeting’s minutes (which can
be found at
open.org/committees/election/oasis_tc_minutes_20010515.shtml) were

Scope of Charter

Gregg noted that since the last meeting some members have voiced
concerns on the email list (archives:
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/election-services) about the
scope of the committee’s charter.

Gregg sensed that some of the concern is that the charter is too
centered on for-profit vendors.  Tim Bovee felt that it was
fine, noting that the term “service provider” is a generic enough
term to apply to non-profit vendors as well.

Deborah Phillips raised concerns that the charter was too narrow and
did not take into account integration with
non-election systems.  She noted that different system such as local
tax rolls and the Department of Justice play a roll in
elections, particularly with registration and list maintenance.

After further discussion, the consensus of the attendees was that the
charter’s scope was broad enough to include
non-election entities as well.

Thom Wysong raised concerns about whether “data exchange” was too
narrow of scope for the committee.  Tim Bovee
suggested that “data exchange” should be interpreted to be all

Dan Ryan noted Thom’s email about presentation, and agreed with his
conclusion that presentation might not be
appropriate, but that sample implementations might be useful, either
inside or outside of the committee.  Krishna Sankar
later noted that standards conformance is within the scope of the
committee, and will be an essential to its success.
Gregg pointed out that EML was to be more of an architecture than a
single implementation.  Ballots, voter registration
and other election-related items will be sub-parts of the EML

The charter discussion concluded with the conclusion that there was
no need to change the current charter.


Krishna Sankar suggested that the committee should start generating
use cases and domain models.  Dan Ryan suggested
that non-technical documents should be included, to make the
committee’s work more accessible to the general election
community.  Krishna volunteered to create the first use case as a
model for future use cases.

Expanding Committee Membership

Gregg related that he is working with Scott McGrath of OASIS to
encourage more organizations to join the committee,
such as those related to accessibility.  Deborah noted that she is on
a discussion panel at the National Federation of the
Blind conference in July, where she hopes to tout the committee.

Both Gregg and Deborah discussed vendors specializing in
accessibility software and hardware as potential committee
members.  Deborah had noted earlier that it would be good to involve
the Department of Justice, as they deal with
election matters.

Action Items

Krishna Sankar will submit to the email list a use case as a starting
point and example for future use cases.
Gregg McGilvray will continue reaching out to potential committee
Gregg McGilvray will talk with the UK members to determine the best
starting time for the next meeting.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be July 24th, with the starting time to be
determined later.

There being no further business, a motion to close the meeting was
made by Mr. Leventhal at 3:25 PM and seconded by
Mr. Ryan.

                          Click Here to Return to Election-Services
Home Page

^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -     E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -    T: +1.612.822.8667
USA    -   -   -   -   -   -   -     ICQ: 13789183

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