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While at the Microsoft Government Leader Conference (which I
mentioned yesterday in my OMB post) I also met a number of


Representative Florencio Abad of the Philippines and President of the
Liberal Party (party of Aquino) told me about efforts
<http://www.phdomainfdn.org.ph/partners/ivatan.html> to bring the
Internet in via satellite to the islands in his district (the most
northern of the Philippines, closer to Taiwan than other parts of his
country).  I started talking about 802.11b
<http://80211b.weblogger.com> and how I had this clever idea that
they should create wireless zones around their telecenters.  He
waited for me to finish, smiled, and said, "You mean use your laptop
under a palm tree, we have that." Check the Ivatan link above! He
also confirmed that SMS (text-messaging) was key in the Estrada
protests <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/do-asia/message/20>.  He said
it was a great tool to find your relatives and friends in a crowd of
one million people. (Oh, looks like you can SMS complaints to their
new President <http://www.newsbytes.com/news/01/164033.html>.)

Portugal and Chile

I spent quite a bit of time with MP Diogo Vasconcelos
<http://www.zdnet.pt/especial/especial_eleicoes/eleicoes2.shtml>, an
entrepreneur and a recent vice chairman of their social democratic
party <http://www.psd.pt>. I also knocked around on the drums at the
Experience Music Project <http://www.emplive.com> with the Secretary
General of the UDI <http://www.udi.cl>, Senator Juan Antonio Coloma
Correa <http://www.senado.cl/site/senadores/fichas/pags/coloma.html>
of Chile.  Both were very interested in ways their political parties
could consult online with the public on policy matters.  Does anyone
know of online political party efforts that have done this

Hong Kong

Finally, the e-mail newsletter that prompted this post.  In Hong
Kong, their 60 member legislative council has many seats based on the
familiar concept of geography and population.  They also have a set
of seat allocated to groups/interests in society.  Members of major
business groups and labor unions get three seats each elected by
their members for example.  Councilor Sin Chung-kai
<http://www.sinchungkai.org.hk> represents the IT community.  That's
right, the 3,000 or so software engineers and those working in IT
fields get to elected a councilor with equal status to the others.
Sin Chung-kai was a "normal" councilor previously, so he carries a
lot of experience and is a member or their Democratic Party.  Every
two weeks Sin Chung-kai sends out his Cyber2005 newsletter.  This one
(text version below) really caught my eye.  While I am rarely a fan
of HTML e-mail, this one came as a survey with forms right in the
e-mail - very clever.

Steven Clift
Democracies Online Newswire

More information from:

(Converted to text ...)

Cyber 2005
A bi-weekly newsletter released by Sin Chung Kai, Legislative
Councillor (IT)

May 9, 2002

Survey on Accountability System

The Chief Executive of the HKSAR unveiled the Accountability System
of Principal Officials on April 17, 2002 in the Legco. The original
16 policy bureaux will combine to form 11 new bureaux. Information
Technology and Broadcasting Bureau (ITBB) and Economic Services
Bureau (ESB) will combine to form Economic Development Bureau (EDB).
The new Secretary for the Bureau will no longer be civil servant
while the current Secretary will be renamed Permanent Secretary. The
new system is expected to enact on July 1, 2002.

The ITBB was created in April, 1998. In his Policy Address in
October,1997, the Chief Executive announce the creation of the Bureau
while the Economic Service Bureau is mainly responsible for the
formulation of Information Technology policies before that.
I would like to collect your view in the changes that may affect the
development of IT in Hong Kong. Please fill in the questionnaire
below and send me your valuable opinions. Thanks.

1. Do you think the IT development in Hong Kong is benefited by the
creation of ITBB?
a. Yes
b. No
c. No Comment

2. Do you support an independent Bureau to oversee the policies in
related to IT, broadcasting and telecommunications?
 a. Yes (Go to No. 3)
b. No (Go to No. 4)
c. No opinion (Go to No. 5)

3. The reason(s) for you to support is/are: (can choose more than one
a. Officials will attentively focus on IT matters
b. IT is a fast growing sector/industry, which priority should be
given to it.
c. ITBB's past performance was good.
d. The restructuring of the existing ITBB presents a negative image
to overseas countries.
e. An independent bureau can react quickly to the changes of IT
f. No special reasons
g. Others

4. The reason(s) for you not to support is/are: (can choose more than
one option)
a. Simple government structure is good for administration.
b. IT is closely related to Economic Development. Combination will
increase efficiency.
c. An independent IT policymaking body is not a common practice in
other countries.
d. ITBB's past performance was poor.
e. There's no need to have an independent bureau any more as the
critical stage of IT development in Hong Kong has complete.
f. IT development mainly depends on the market, government's role is
very limited.
g. Global IT development is slowing down.
h. No special reasons
i. Others

5. Do you think the above change indicates that IT is becoming less
important in the SAR's agenda?
a. Yes
b. No
c. No Comment

6. Are you worried that the above change will give a negative image
to overseas countries on Hong Kong's future IT development?
a. Very worried
b. A bit worried
c. Not worried at all
d. No Comment

7. Are you worried that the local IT development will be obstructed
due to the extensive responsibilities of the new Economic Development
Bureau that it cannot focus on promoting IT development ? (The
Economic Development Bureau will be responsible for the policymaking
of air and sea transport, energy, postal services, meteorological
services, competition, consumer protection, tourism, logistic
services, IT and broadcasting.)
a. Very worried
b. A bit worried
c. Not worried at all
d. No Comment

If the above structural change has to carry out, (pls answer No. 8-

8. Do you support the policy area of "Information Technology" be
reflected in the name of new Bureau, e.g. "Economic and Information
Technology Bureau"?
a. Yes
b. No
c. No Comment

9. Do you support an independent Panel for Information Technology and
Broadcasting in the Legco should be retained?
a. Yes
b. No
c. No Comment

The questionnaire is completed. Thank you for your opinions.
Name:  Email:

Sin Chung Kai

Cyber 2005 is a bi-weekly newsletter that acts as a bridge between
the IT professionals and myself
as the IT representative in the Legislative Council.

Every alternate Thursday during my term in the LegCo, I will send out
Cyber 2005 electronically in
order to keep in touch with you and keep you informed of my service
in the LegCo.

The reason for the SAR to have ITBB

"To ensure that Government will facilitate this process,
responsibilities now divided between
several bureaux will be regrouped. One Bureau Secretary will lead and
co-ordinate the work of all
those throughout the Government organisation involved in information
technology and the related
areas of broadcasting and telecommunications. This Bureau will also
be responsible for co-
ordinating overall information technology development in Hong Kong
and will : first, formulate
policies to facilitate the establishment of an open, common interface
information infrastructure,
accessible throughout the SAR; second, lay down an appropriate
regulatory framework to remove obstacles to interconnection between
networks, and enhance Hong Kong's external info-communications links;
third, develop a policy for accelerating the use of IT applications
using the common interface in the public and private sector; and
fourth, commission pilot projects that make innovative use of the
developing infrastructure." Policy Speech, Chief Executive of SAR
http://www.info.gov.hk/pa97/english/patext.htm Back to Top

^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -     E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -    T: +1.612.822.8667
USA    -   -   -   -   -   -   -     ICQ: 13789183

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