> I'll see if I can check it out  - then link
> it through to the most recent rng schema of docbook 5
> that Norm released.
Coincidentally, I've been working on pretty much the same
thing and have a working, though fragile, attempt at doing
exactly this.  If you'd like, I can share it with you.

What I did was to take the website-full.rnc file from the
distribution (website 2.6.0), point it at docbookxi.rnc
instead of the local copy of 4.4, fire up emacs in nxml
mode, and fix problems as they popped up:-).

At this point, I can validate webpages to the point where
the only syntax errors are from differences between 4.4
and 5.0 (things like xml:id vs. id, ulink, etc.).

There are relatively few changes to the website files
(most fix references to things in 4.4 that have different
names in 5.0), and even less to the standard docbook file
(mainly, I needed to remove the start definition, which
can't be redefined).  I also renamed the namespace, though
that may be a mistake; it might be better to leave it as
docbook and use the version attribute to identify this variant.

I think where it will get entertaining is in the stylesheets,
which I haven't gotten to yet.  I'm hoping the namespace
stripping for standard db can be hijacked to work the same
magic for these stylesheets.
> None of it is namespaced so it will need some work.
> Seems that the website stuff 'carries its own' docbook
> schema, though I'm not sure how, as yet.
> I.e. the website schema directory appears to include
> the (then current) docbook.
> e.g. website full has an include for
> $Id: docbookx.dtd,v 1.31 2005/01/27 13:52:36 nwalsh Exp $
docbookx.dtd is a modified version of 4.4.  I don't know
the full extent of the modifications; I just know that in
the rnc version it's missing the start definition, which
is supplied in website-full.rnc.
> so it may take some untangling.

Anyway, if you'd like to see what I've got, drop me a
line and I'll zip it up and ship it over.  I'm sure
there are some glitches, but it may be useful.

Dick Hamilton

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