Le 26/08/2014 02:49, Jean Weber a écrit :

Hi Jean,

> I'm not at all sure that would help enough, because we would still
> need people who have both the time and knowledge to do the actual
> work. Our problem, AFAICT, has not been in attracting volunteers. The
> problem is attracting -- and keeping -- the right volunteers: that is,
> people with the time and knowledge.

I agree. Volunteers need both time and continued enthusiasm - I have
little time, and my own personal enthusiasm for writing/translating
documentation has waned as I have seen that it is impossible to keep up
with the pace of development and/or the new bugs that are introduced as
a result of that development. Ultimately, how one feels about the
quality of a product affects one's enthusiasm to write stuff about it.
This has caused me to focus on working on QA, rather than documentation
- after all, if the product doesn't work as intended, why not try and
get it fixed (sometimes a vain hope) rather than attempt to write
documentation which, when released, will essentially/probably be out of
date and/or inaccurate ? By the way, this is not a plug to draw people
from the doc project to QA, just my personal experience !

Documentation needs a solid base from which to work - IMO, this means
that the software shouldn't be changing its product characteristics and
features every 6 months (or less) - if you don't have that, the efforts
that go into creating and maintaining documentation for the product
imply relying on a massive documenter group to keep up and currently,
the LO documentation project doesn't have that critical mass.


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