I've started to revise and organize parts of the documentation wiki,
starting with things I think will be uncontroversial. I figure that this is
a good thing to do while I'm new, since it's obvious to me what is
confusing or hard to find, but do speak up if I get carried away.

Two major problems that stick out to me:
1. There is a large but incomplete duplication of content between the TDF
wiki, the documentation website, and the main website. I think there needs
to be a discussion about what should go where.
2. There seems to be two very different kinds of content on the TDF
documentation team sub-wiki: pages for users, and pages for the
documentation team. On the other hand, there is also miscellaneous info for
users scattered around other parts of the wiki.

Currently it doesn't look like it would be trivial to move the all the
users-facing wiki pages to the documentation website, so perhaps as a
temporary solution we could make a separate section or subsection on the
wiki to collect everything together. I'll think about what to name this
hypothetical section and wait for other opinions before I do anything.


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