-------- Original Message --------
From: Elzett Kotze [mailto:elz...@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2021, 08:10 UTC
To: documentation@global.libreoffice.org
Subject: [libreoffice-documentation] re. access to the LibreOffice

> Hi,
> I got my SSO username from TDF's authentication services and my login has
> been confirmed. How do I now get access to the LibreOffice Documentation
> folder.
> I am busy working through the Documentation Contributors' Guide.
> I would love to start assisting with reviewing/editing content.
> Please advise.
> Kind regards,
> Elzett

Welcome Elzett,

Our team coordinator will see this message and establish your access to
the Documentation Nextcloud instance.

You are free to choose whatever documentation you want to work on, but
one of our long term contributors (Peter Schofield) has been working
hard to prepare the initial draft of the Draw Guide for LO 7.1 and you
might wish to review some of the completed initial draft chapters.

Best Regards

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