Hi Juan,

Thank you for your comments, which are very helpful.

I am currently updating all sections of this chapter and trying to correct as many issues as I can. It is quite a time consuming task but is progressing well. When I've finished I will inform this mailing list and I hope you will be able to review the changes then.


Steve Fanning

On 26/03/2022 15:59, Juan C. Sanz wrote:

I have been reading the /Base guide/, and in chapter 2, I have been able to see, what, under my point of view, are several errors, all of them related to the external connection to a Firebird database.

The first of them, although certainly not really an error, but an outdated one, can be found on page 73 of the PDF file of the Base Guide 7.2. *Create a database user*. The whole procedure is based on the use of */gsec/* though, in the Firebird 3 quick start guide says:

“/5.1. User management/

/In Firebird 3, user management is done entirely through SQL commands. Users of previous versions are probably familiar with the //*gsec*//utility for this task. //*It is still present, but deprecated*//…”/

So it would be more correct to use the SQL procedure from isql or isql-fb to create and authorize users, and also to change the sysdba password.

According to the Firebird 3 quick install guide, the procedure to change the administrator password is as follows:

/If the password is masterkey and your server is exposed to the Internet at all - or even to a local network, unless you trust every user with the SYSDBA password - you should change it immediately./

/Fire up isql or another Firebird client and connect to a database. In this example, the "employee" example database is used, because its alias is always present in a freshly installed Firebird setup:/

connect localhost:employee user sysdba password masterkey;

/If you do this in isql, it should respond with:/

Database: localhost:employee, User: SYSDBA

/Now alter the sysdba password:/

alter user sysdba set password 'Zis4_viZuna83YoYoYo';

And the procedure to create a new user is:

/Assuming you are connected to a database as SYSDBA, you can add a user account as follows:/

create user billyboy password 'TooLongFor8099Comfort';

On the other hand the Direct connection to Firebird procedure is completely wrong, it seems that it is a copy-paste of the connection to PostgreSQL, but that in Firebird it does not work. The procedure would be:


   In the Database wizard select Connect to an existing database and
   then Firebird file.


   In step 2, in the text box type the connection string:


       If you want to make the connection to an external, serverless
       Firebird database file, the string would be of the type
       file:///path/to/the/file.fdb, although you can select the file
       directly with the Browse button.


       If you want to connect to a Firebird database hosted on a
       Firebird server, the connection string should be of the type
       server/portNumber:FirebirdRegisteredDatabaseName or

       The port part (/portNumber) can be omitted if the port is the
       default Firebird port (3306).

       FirebirdRegisteredDatabaseName refers to a database registered
       in the Firebird databases.conf file.


   In step 3:


       If you are making a connection to an external, serverless
       Firebird database file, do not put username and password.


       -If the connection is to a Firebird database hosted on a
       Firebird server, you must provide the necessary credentials to
       connect to the database hosted on the server.

The rest of the steps are the same as for the other connections.

Unfortunately my English is not good enough to modify the guide, so I hope some of you can do it.

I´m here if you have any question.


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