Regarding the user testing comment "there's too much text about how to
create an empty [SQLite] file" (BG7302-CreatingADatabase). It is also noted
the Windows File Explorer instruction does not work with the default
configuration of View unselected File name extensions, and the SQLite
username and password are not relevant to this section.

The following is suggested as a simple OS independent alternative to
replace the whole section:

Initial preparations before connecting to a SQLite file

> Before making a connection, the SQLite database file must exist. If your
> database file does not exist then you can create an empty file, for example.

Start LibreOffice Writer:
> * File New, Text Document
> * File, Save As, File name: libretest.db, Save as type: Text (*.txt),
> Browse Folders to select required folder, Save

> Detailed documentation for sqlite3 can be found at
> SQLite is not prescriptive about the
> extension of a database file, “.sqlite” and “.db” are commonly used.



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