Dry Skin Care

Causes of Dry Skin

The skin loses its capacity to retain moisture, as we grow old. The extreme 
climatic conditions to which we get exposed, as we grow old worsen the 
condition and skin becomes more dry.

Ayurveda description about dry skin

The type of skin is determined by tridoshas. The Dosha, which is dominant in 
skin, determines the type and quality of the skin.

When vata dosha is dominant ,the skin will be  dry, thin, delicate and cool (to 
touch). When vata dosha becomes imbalanced in body and skin , the skin becomes 
rough and scaly and wrinkled.

The problems of dry skin:

   1. Dry and rough skin.
   2. Development of wrinkles at an early age.
   3. Scaly and cracked skin
   4. Aged looks.
   5. Dull and lifeless appearance.
   6. More prone to fungal infection and dry eczema.

Ayurveda tips and home remedy for  dry skin condition.

    * Preventing further drying of skin as it does not contain much moisture.
    * Avoid stale, over fried, dry food.
    * Always consume fresh warm food with little fat like ghee or olive oil.
    * Include sour and salty food in diet.
    * Sweet juicy fruits are recommended.
    * Drink 7-9 glasses of warm water everyday. (Do not drink cold water as it 
increases vata)
    * Massage the whole body  with herbal oil, which contains VATA balancing 
herbal ingredients before taking a bath.
    * Drink the herbal tea, which contains vata-balancing ingredients with a 
squeeze of lemon early in the morning, in empty stomach.
    * Liberally Apply moisturising lotion on body skin daily. This naturally 
supplies the moisture needed for dry skin .  
    * Sleep for 8 hrs a day. (Preferably from 9 PM to 5 AM).
    * Avoid alcohol-based cleansers.
    * Follow ayurveda treatment for dry skin

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