I've been using dom4j for a little more than 6 months now,
as part of a professional project.
I managed to convice the hierarchy that dom4j/jaxen was worth considering
instead of the typical W3C DOM Xerces/Xalan pair,
saying that dom4j was faster, easier to use, while being "compatible" with
the W3C model, and that is was "maintained and updated frequently"...

I have to admit I'm getting more and more worried because of the lack of
serious release since 1.3.
I have the CVS checkout on my dev box, but I actually use the 1.4dev
in my project. (from: http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/dom4j/jars/ )

James, we love your work and dom4j is definitely a worth-using
xml document model. But please, keep up informed about the current
status of your work.
Late 2002, you said (in one of the mailing lists) that a new release was
on the way out. The release didn't come out, and you said that it was
due to some failed Junit tests...
Since then, we had no more feedback from you, apart from the
(always excelent) replies to the issues raised in the mailing lists.
In fact, recently you seems to be out of the mailing lists...are you
still maintaining this project at all ?

dom4j has got numerous bugs to be fixed, and there's room for
lots of improvements. A lot of developers that are using dom4j are
willing to help with the updates, I'm sure.

Please, at least, keep us up to date with the status of the ongoing
work. Otherwise, rumors will soon appear saying dom4j is
a stalled project, with no serious implication from its developers.

Latest Jdom release is dated 03.28.2002 (JDOM Beta 8),
latest dom4j release is dated March 13, 2002 (dom4j 1.3).
Xerces is still a very active project, and most dom4j users actually
use the SAX parser of the latest Xerces Java2 distribution in
association with dom4j. ( http://xml.apache.org/xerces2-j/index.html )
My project being in early stages of developement, I sometimes 
wonder if I should switch back to W3C DOM, and give
up with dom4j...

Those issues raise serious concerns among the developers community,
but we love dom4j for what it provides, we don't want it to die, and we are
willing to help !

Thanks for your attention.

- Dan

I would like to echo this sentiment.  dom4j is a great package, and I would
like to know that it is still a living effort.


I've been recommended dom4j to developers for the last year and a half, 
but I'm growing increasingly concerned about the lack of any follow-up 
since the 1.3 release. I pointed out a serious performance issue with 
the 1.3 release a year ago, and there've also been a number of other 
fixes in CVS. This doesn't help most users who just download the latest 
release, though. I'm having an increasingly hard time justifying dom4j 
as a solution when it goes more than a year between releases.

James, if you're unable to do a maintenance release perhaps one of the 
other developers can do this? I think dom4j is an excellent document 
model and I'd hate to see it die through neglect of basic maintenance 
after all the work that's gone into it.

  - Dennis

For what it's worth, there are some 1.4 snapshots on ibiblio
that lots of us are using, updated as late as 3-jan-2003.



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