
Peter Merchant wrote:
> Secret Days by Asa Briggs was the poor book about Bletchley park. 

Terry had one he couldn't recall, and Peter Washington wanted one that
explained how a Bombe worked.

> It is good that they have Wifi now. I am bringing wire cutters next
> time for the speaker.

As Clive's said, they've a dial for that room's speaker and someone
seems to often ask for it to be turned off.

Some other bits from last night...

I mis-attributed the quote, Rob Pike passed it on.  "Go is like a better
C, from the guys that didn't bring you C++" -- Ikai Lan.

Producing high-quality sheet music;  GNU Lilypond.

The statistics program, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spss, mentioned by
Peter has a GNU version, http://www.gnu.org/software/pspp/  

The pre- and post-increment and -decrement operators in C++ are
different to C;  for a more complex type there may be needless overhead
in making a copy if post- are used.
http://www.codeguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=231052 For C, the
convention is post- if it doesn't matter.  ;-)

Clive, WRT finding out the name of the workgroups on your LAN from a
Linux machine with Samba, try running "smbtree" at the command line and
just pressing Enter when asked for a password.  The -b option may be
useful, I don't know.

Cheers, Ralph.

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