
There's a lot here.  I've tried to group like matter together for those
skimming it.  There's only the briefest description of the topic, just
enough to know whether to open the URL, hopefully.

How "only metadata" being captured of all phone calls, emails, etc., is
still useful thanks to a simple bit of matrix multiplication.

A 2A power supply on Amazon for a Raspberry Pi;  reviewers are using it
for media centres.  http://amzn.to/19X5wel  The Maker catalogue on the
table was from http://cpc.farnell.com/

Compiling Raspberry Pi executables on your more-powerful Linux PC with a
cross-compiling toolchain.

Building your own Linux system, a kernel and some userspace programs,
from scratch.  http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/

Geocities-descendant Neocities.  Free-hosting of static web sites.

The lightweight CSS used for Neocities.  "Beyond normalizing, but not
super-stylized-HTML either".  http://groundfloor.neocities.org/

The `:hover' CSS pseudo-class.

"most of the jQuery methods they use have native equivalents that
require the same or only a slighter larger amount of code".

"Zepto is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers with a
largely jQuery-compatible API."  http://zeptojs.com/

If you're writing any significant amount of Javascript, consider
"CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript", "an
attempt to expose the good parts of JavaScript in a simple way".

AngularJS is a lightweight Javascript framework, more of a library,
supported by Google.  One of its more novel features is eschewing DOM
manipulation in the code by binding data to the view;  either updates
when the other changes.  http://angularjs.org/

Web Components, reusable chunks of web page, and the `shadow DOM'.

"Quadtrees are most often used to partition a two-dimensional space by
recursively subdividing it into four quadrants or regions."

Interleaving the bits of an (x, y) coordinate gives a
locality-preserving hash and is related to Z-order curves;  "a function
which maps multidimensional data to one dimension while preserving
locality of the data points".  Also ties in with quadtrees.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z-order_curve  (Some pretty diagrams.)

_High Performance Browser Networking_ by Ilya Grigorik  is a new
O'Reilly book currently available online as HTML for free whilst it's
being drafted.

Ilya again, explaining how you've about 14KiB of data in the first
round-trip time and what to put it in for a web page.  _Optimizing the
Critical Rendering Path, nuts and bolts of delivering instant mobile

Detailed analysis of fetching a web page in a browser, with tips for
improvements.  http://www.webpagetest.org/

After Google's SPDY, which is making its way into HTTP 2.0, they've
QUIC;  Quick UDP Internet Connections.

Two keen Go advocates present meant it got a fair bit of coverage!  It
doesn't have exceptions but
"HTML templates treat data values as plain text which should be encoded
so they can be safely embedded in an HTML document.  The escaping is
contextual, so actions can appear within JavaScript, CSS, and URI
contexts.", http://golang.org/pkg/html/template/
There was a good "official" article explaining the benefits of
interfaces over OO inheritance but I can't track it down.  Anyone know?

Converting old Microsoft Works .WDB files to a later format, possibly
usable on Linux.  http://www.codealchemists.com/worksdatabaseconverter/

WebRTC is gradually bringing peer-to-peer video calls to the browser.

Twelephone is WebRTC applied to Twitter nicknames.

Microsoft-owned Skype used to be peer-to-peer-ish but now goes through
centralised boxes, running Linux.  :-)

Cheers, Ralph.

Next meeting:  Bournemouth, Tuesday, 2013-08-06 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...  http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
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