
These are links from a few meetings ago;  I scribbled some notes
afterwards but didn't have time to type them up and add the URLs.  Some
may still be useful to people, e.g. speeding up Python.  Regular readers
will see repetitions;  I've a one-track mind.

Niklaus Wirth's programming language Modula-2, a descendant of Pascal,
has co-routines.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modula_2

There's a Raspberry Pi "Bare metal" forum for those wanting to run code
without an OS.  http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewforum.php?f=72

The _Baking Pi_ articles from the University of Cambridge make a start
on running some assembly on the OS-less Pi, though they cheat a bit and
bring in some C to handle the USB stack.

Design by Contact was favoured by Bertrand Meyer's Eiffel programming

Python's creator, Guido van Rossum, wrote Mondrian, a web application
for code review, when at Google.  He created another open-source
version, Rietveld, that didn't depend on private Google technologies.
It runs on App Engine and is used by the #golang developers.

The slim "NAND" book, leads you through building a simple CPU from just
NAND gates and flip-flops using Java simulators for a very simple
hardware description language before having you write an assembler,
virtual machine, and compiler for a simple Java-like language for it.
It filled in the gap between TTL logic gates and assembler for me, i.e.
how do CPUs work internally.

Two-minute video of quadcopters balancing, throwing, and catching a
pole.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pp89tTDxXuI

The debugger gdb(1) supports symbols stored outside the executable and
packaged by Debian, Ubuntu, etc., in separate *-dbg packages.

SciPy, including NumPy, speed up maths with Python.  Also Python,
PyGame.  http://www.scipy.org/  http://www.pygame.org/wiki/about

Valgrind's author, Julian Seward, also wrote bzip2.  _How to Shadow
Every Byte of Memory Used by a Program_ explains how Memcheck, part of
Valgrind, tracks every bit of memory's state.

LLVM assembly code is being shipped for specialisation on the run-time
platform, e.g. the OpenGL pipeline and LLVMpipe mentioned on

Cheers, Ralph.

Next meeting:  Bournemouth, Tuesday, 2013-08-06 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...  http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
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