
I'm triying to insert a helper call into the code that the
compileCEE_CALLVIRT method placed the fjit.cpp file generates. I've tested
the profiler (wich had a helper call similar to the one I'm triying to do),
but the parameters passed to that helper are not useful for me and I wasn't
able to mimic the structure to suit my own needs.

What I am trying to do is to make a helper call wich receives the object and
the MethodDesc as a parameter to make some calculations, and I certainly did
that, but I wasn't able to make it work everytime. Here is a brief
description of my code:

FJitResult compileCEE_CALLVIRT()
...//Body of the method
argBytes = buildCall (...); (1)
//My code was inserted here
if (...) (2)
    void *func = jitInfo->getHelperFtn (...);(3)

    emit_LDFLD_helper(func, targetMethod);(4)

(1) I inserted my call here because as far as I know, after buildCall the
stack will be ordered as I need (this pointer on top).

(2) I did not perform this call for some types of methods and classes
(constructors, static methods, value classes, ...).

(3) I declared a helper like this:

HCIMPL2(void, func, Object *obj, MethodDesc *m)

(4) It migth be strange that I use this macro here, but I think it exactly
does the operations that I need to perform the call.

As I said, the results that I'm obtaining are not completely correct. After
several correct calls, with the parameters passed as intended (non corrupted
data), I obtain a call to the same method several times until a "Fatal Stack
overflow error" is shown. Additionaly, the same code seems to work
flawlessly in the compileCEE_CALL method. I've also modified the
compileCEE_LDFLD method in a similar fashion apparently without problems. I
think that in this case I'm doing something wrong with the stack, but I
wasn't able to find what. Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you in advance,

Jose M. Redondo

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