Hi All,
        At the moment I got some codes to write data into Excel sheet using
vb.net but It give me error in code line 5 (see below)
Error detail as below :::

 1. Private app As New Excel.Application()

 2. Dim Workbooks1 As Workbooks
 3. Workbooks1 = app.Workbooks()

 4. Dim Workbook1 As Object
 5. Workbook1 = Workbooks1.Add(XlWBATemplate.xlWBATWorksheet)

 6. Dim Sheet As Sheets
 7. Sheet = Workbook1.Worksheets()

Error Detail :
"System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80028018): Old format or
invalid type library.
   at Excel.Workbooks.Add(Object Template)

Pls can anybody tell me what is this error ?

-----Original Message-----
From: McClellan, Jay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Dienstag, 07. Mai 2002 15:56
Subject: Re: [DOTNET] write Excel file from VB.NET

If you just want an easy way to get data into Excel, you can write your data
to a tab-separated text file and Excel will happily open it as a
spreadsheet.  It's not at all elegant but it's very simple.


-----Original Message-----
From: Fernando, Chaminda non Unisys
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 6:44 AM
Subject: [DOTNET] write Excel file from VB.NET

Hi all,
        I want to write Excel file from VB.NET
        In there, I want to write data into cells from VB.NET at run time.
        pls tell me how can I do that ?
Thank you,

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