> Erick Thompson spake:
> How would I go about using the IFilter[1] interface from C#? From what I
> gather, it's not an automation interface (== not a COM object?),
> so I'm not
> sure where to start.
> Thanks,
> Erick
> [1]
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/i

If there is a type library, you could use the tlbimp utility to generate a
proxy assembly.

If there is no type library, you can create your own Runtime Callable
Wrappers (RCWs).

Here is an RCW for IClassFactory:

public interface IClassFactory
        Int32 CreateInstance(
                IntPtr pUnkOuter,
                [In] ref Guid refiid,
                IntPtr ppvObject);
        void LockServer(
                [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] Boolean fLock);

And here is an RCW for IPersistStreamInit:
public interface IPersistStreamInit
        void GetClassID(out Guid pClassID);
        Int32 IsDirty();
        void Load(IStream stream);
        void Save(IStream stream, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] Boolean
        UInt64 GetSizeMax();
        void InitNew();

If you call a DLL routine to get your interface pointer, setup your p/invoke
as follows:
// P/Invoke functions
private static extern Int32 CoInternetGetSession(
        UInt32 dwSessionMode,
        ref IInternetSession ppIInternetSession,
        UInt32 dwReserved);


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