Hi Matthew,

> I'm looking at introducing a Generic Authentication scheme
> rather than using Windows Authentication for code access security.
> The application will be a mix of ASP.net and remotely
> deployed Winforms front ends.
> I am confused about what this will mean.
> 1) Will the Generic Prinicipal and Identity be carried from
> Client PC to Business Object tier automatically or will some
> manual work need to be done?

no. You will have to do this manually, although I remember more than one
list member who's already implemented such a channel sink for .NET Remoting.
If you want to use the windows standard security mechanisms, you can however
host the components in IIS which provides these features.

> 2) Does Normal Windows security Authentication get tossed
> asside? Ie. If the Winforms Client PC makes a call to the
> Business Object server (via Remoting), won't it still need to
> make sure that the NT user is valid with the domain and check
> to make sure that the NT user has permissions to call that object?

Yes, it should normally do these checks. If you host the server-side remoted
objects in IIS (via .NET Remoting) and switch to windows integrated security
and use the useDefaultCredentials="true" parameter when creating the channel
on the client side, the logon-information will be transferred in a somewhat
secure challenge/response protocol.

> 3) Are there any other limitations to what you can do?
Impersonation. The principal is only valid in the current process but you
aren't really "impersonating" it - that is, when accessing other components
(file system or SQL servers or such) you will still run as the aspnet
account. You might however want to have a look at Peter Bromberg's article
at http://www.eggheadcafe.com/articles/20020418.asp where he shows some
impersonation techniques for use outside of COM+.


Author of "Advanced .NET Remoting"

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