> 1. ADO.NET connection pooling is tied to a specific process.
> Thus, if you want to share a connection over multiple
> clients, you need to host your database component in an
> ASP.NET application or through .NET Remoting (and pay the
> price of the extra network call), right?

Yes. This is, in fact, one of the primary motivations for using a
three-tier architecture (as opposed to directly connecting clients to a

> 2. What technology underlies connection pooling in the SQL
> Server provider? I've read that it is COM+, but this seems unlikely.

I believe they've rolled their own.

> 3. Database connections seem to be the key scalability
> bottleneck in an enterprise application. With the use of
> connection pooling, isn't a 80% of the reason for using COM+
> services like object pooling and JIT activation avoided? In
> other words, can you think of an example of a serviced
> component that encapsulates an expensive resource (and so should be
> pooled) that isn't related to a database?

Well, that's the big one, but anything that has a large one-time setup
but small per-context activation cost would be eligible. Think about
other types of non-DB connections, like say a connection to a big piece
of automation machinery or a connection to a mainframe. Some of these
can take many seconds to set up.

> 4. In a distributed application, it saves a few headaches to
> let the clients communicate with a Remoting layer, which then
> uses COM+ serviced components on the same machine. This
> bypasses the DCOM problems that occur with remote serviced
> components. But does this reduce the efficacy of COM+ in any way?

I personally don't see any problems with it, but I tend to design my
COM+ components in the Ewald style, so they're stateless/SingleCall,
which makes them a lot easier to use in this scenario.

The one thing I can see it making harder is role-based security. IIRC,
security info isn't propagated with Remoting the way it is with DCOM.

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