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Dehnert James Sr schrieb:
> I have a client that I have installed Dovecot 1.0.1 for is having some
> performance issues.  Especially when using IMAP from various Outlook
> clients.  I have TLS installed and all the IMAP connections are secured.
> I'm wondering is anyone has any recommendations for monitoring dovecot
> performance.  I'd like to try and nail down where the real performance
> issues are.  I suspect outlook, but I want to eliminate Dovecot as the
> cause of any problems, or, if I have a problem with Dovecot, I want to
> identify any issues I can and fix them.
> Thanks,
>     Zeke
> -- 
> James "Zeke" Dehnert
> Phone: +1 707.546.6620 x602 Fax: +1 707.324.8043
> "Life is racing, everything else is just waiting"
outlook isnt outlook , first clear what versions they use each
version of outlook is different ( including their service pack levels )
so i.e. outlook 2007 makes imap stuff very different to the versions
before, after all outlook wasnt a very good imap client since ever.
Be sure that you have recommanded Outlook entries in dovecot.conf ( see
wiki )
and if you need help you should show your dovecot.conf here.
and describe what perfomance stuff you mean, have you tested it by your
own ( dont trust users ! )?
For a first look you should have a i.e dovecot.log etc to see failures

I think i remember reading problems with outlook 2007 and tls, but i can
remember exactly

I have no reports from users having problems with outlook and dovecot
1.0.1 at my systems ( but i dont think i have much of them, so i cant
say that problems are are unthinkable *g )  )

- --
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Best Regards

Robert Schetterer

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