
> -----Original Message-----
> -O2 compiling has dropped one stage from the backtrace, but I think
> will fix the crash:
> <snip>
> I guess it would be time for 1.2.7 somewhat soon..

Thanks! As always, you're one step ahead of us with the bug fixes! I've
got one more for you that just popped up. I'm guessing that it's also
due to expunging causing sequence numbers to mixed up, and one of the
existing patches will fix it?

The error from the logs is:
Panic: file mail-transaction-log-view.c: line 108
(mail_transaction_log_view_set): assertion failed: (min_file_seq <=
Raw backtrace: imap [0x49e4a0] -> imap [0x49e503] -> imap [0x49db66] ->
imap(mail_transaction_log_view_set+0x4ac) [0x48651c] ->
imap(mail_index_view_sync_begin+0xe5) [0x480055] ->
imap(index_mailbox_sync_init+0x7f) [0x45e84f] ->
imap(maildir_storage_sync_init+0x100) [0x43cd30] ->
imap(imap_sync_init+0x67) [0x428257] -> imap(cmd_sync_delayed+0x174)
[0x4284a4] -> imap(client_handle_input+0x19e) [0x420aee] ->
imap(client_input+0x5f) [0x4214df] -> imap(io_loop_handler_run+0xf8)
[0x4a61f8] -> imap(io_loop_run+0x1d) [0x4a530d] -> imap(main+0x620)
[0x428da0] -> /lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf4) [0x31d5a1d994] ->
imap [0x419a89] 
dovecot: child 11758 (imap) killed with signal 6 (core dumped)

Backtrace and such here:

Thanks again,


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