
On 5/31/10 11:40 PM, "Pascal Volk" <>
> I've spent some time for the fine manual. Whats new?
> Location:
> So I don't have to flood the wiki with attachments.
> As soon as the manual pages are complete, they will be included in the
> Dovecot source tree.

This is fantastic. When I get a moment, I'll definitely read them over. I
spent a good bit of time getting a Dovecot 2.0 test system set up this
weekend and I found myself flipping back and forth between Timo's release
announcements, sample configurations in the tarball, and the raw source
code. Doveconf in particular doesn't even seem to provide help text listing
available command line flags, so a man page is very welcome.

Documentation of what configuration options work where would also be
particularly nice to see. The new syntax is incredibly powerful but also
very complex. It appears that there are some things that will pass doveconf
checks but will either cause errors or be ignored by the actual code at


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