On 8/27/10 11:15 PM, Noel Butler wrote:
I dont think we are living in the 19th century now,
I think its time for the html to txt conversion to be scrapped, its
screwed up the paragraph formatting ( and few other things in recent
times I've seen) more than once, making it look like an a5 size book

how about it?

Oh right, the 20th century is the "century of protocol abuse" for people who think everything on the network should be a web page, and everything on the net should be accessed with a web browser.

If this change is made, I for one will ditch this list and just rely on searching the archives. I get enough HTML garbage from clueless morons all day long, I don't need more of it from a supposedly clueful group.


Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL

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