On 05/11/2011 06:27 AM, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> That patch only was supposed to make it crash elsewhere, not actually
> fix anything. :)
I just noticed that some asserts were matching the crash times on the
different machines. What is strange, I just verified that other than the
ldap setup (which only differs where needed for each domain) the
configuration of all three machines match perfectly. The two that crash
both git the same assert, while the third does not. One that crashes has
384M, the other 2 have 512M. They are pretty much identical installs in
every way.

The assert:

May 17 04:01:02 dovecot: auth: Panic: file ../../src/lib/array.h: line
189 (array_idx_i): assertion failed: (idx * array->element_size <

This is usually repeated 2 or more times near a crash. On the machine
that doesn't crash, I NEVER see this. On the machines that crash, there
isn't (or doesn't seem to be) a 1:1 correlation.

"If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and
finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time or die
by suicide." -- Abraham Lincoln

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