On 05/15/2013 10:39 AM, Stephan Bosch wrote:
> This looks like a rather old version of Pigeonhole (pre-release v0.4).
> Due to the following change a Pigeonhole version should be logged when
> mail_debug is enabled:
> http://hg.rename-it.nl/dovecot-2.2-pigeonhole/rev/44721c50833e
> I see nothing like that in your logs, so you're running something older.
> This change is probably what fixes your trouble:
> http://hg.rename-it.nl/dovecot-2.2-pigeonhole/rev/f43c7609497c
> From the package name you provided I cannot tell which version (or
> rather hg revision) of Pigeonhole you are running. The  released
> v0.4.0 should work.
> Regards,
> Stephan.
When trying to compile this version, I am getting the following. I am
not sure what is causing it. dovecot compiles fine. Pigeonhole is
compiling, but then failing.

PASS: 2 tests succeeded.

Test case: ./tests/multiscript/conflicts.svtest:

testsuite(root): Panic: pool_data_stack_realloc(): stack frame changed
testsuite(root): Error: Raw backtrace:
[0x7f4e5d4801c7] ->
[0x7f4e5d48021a] ->
[0x7f4e5d442025] ->
[0x7f4e5d4940da] ->
[0x7f4e5d47c8ed] ->
[0x7f4e5d47cc73] ->
[0x7f4e5dc1fb46] ->
[0x7f4e5dc1fd21] ->
[0x7f4e5dc3c7df] ->
[0x7f4e5dc41093] ->
[0x7f4e5dc34468] ->
[0x7f4e5e0b6f31] ->
[0x7f4e5e0bac84] ->
[0x7f4e5dc3179e] ->
[0x7f4e5dc3192b] ->
[0x7f4e5e0b3eb4] -> /lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf5)
[0x7f4e5ce7fb75] ->

make: *** [tests/multiscript/conflicts.svtest] Aborted

Thank you,

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