On 10/02/2017 07:00 PM, Anvar Kuchkartaev wrote:
> Hello I just finished setting up FreeIPA with Dovecot + Postfix + Saslauthd. 
> I can easily access to mails using imap via dovecot with gssapi 
> authentication and postfix also delivering mails very well. But I cannot send 
> email from postfix using gssapi authentication (plain and login 
> authentication working fine) because saslauthd is not specifying realm when 
> requesting service from freeipa domain. 
> warning: SASL authentication failure: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure.  
> Minor code may provide more information (No key table entry found matching 
> smtp/mx0.aegisnet.eu@) 
> right form of request is smtp/mx0.aegisnet...@aegisnet.eu 
> I googled alot but couldn't find any solution to solve this problem. How to 
> configure saslauthd well that it will use realm to contact with freeipa. 
> Best Regards... 
You may need to consider setting auth_realms and/or auth_default_realm.
I saw something similar without such being set.


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