On Mon May 21 2018 14:20:51 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time), Linda A.
Walsh <dove...@tlinx.org> wrote:
> Yves Goergen wrote:
>> The issue still exists. Can anybody explain to me why dovecot creates 
>> IMAP folders with the wrong filesystem permissions?
> On a lark, I looked through my dirs @ permissions.  Shorted lines a bit 
> so they'd fit w/o extra lines between them using:
> (get rid of text before permissions, and shorten user/group to a few letter)
> find . -type d -ls|sed -r 's/^\s*\S+\s+\S+\s+// ; s/linda(group)?/usr/g'

I repeat something from a similar thread from last year...

It would be nice if Dovecot had something like Postfix's set-permissions
command to automatically fix permissions issues.

Dovecot may be a little more complicated and have more possible ways
things could be configured, but the possibilities are finite (aren't
they?) so this could be handled by defining the different possibilities
and having a conf option you can set to tell dovecot what scheme you are
using (or if possible, some way to auto-detect it and fall back to
spitting out an error asking you to define it manually if it can't).

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