On 09/11/2018 08:20 PM, Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> I have to disable mail acceptance for example1.com. 
> If not, mail sent *from* that server (e.g. from a web form) to that domain 
> will not leave the server. 
> However, if I disable example1.com for mail dovecot lmtp will not deliver 
> mail to this mail box anymore, although the mailbox still exists.

First and foremost, you are describing a major routing problem *for the
MTA*. You want it to do local delivery (via LMTP) for
us...@example1.com, but forward mail addressed to foo...@example1.com to
that domain's current MX. Since MTAs usually(!) decide that based on the
*domain*, you have a need for some off-the-textbook tweaking right
there. And the config to make *dovecot* work as needed would need to
pick up from there.

If we're talking postfix, my first idea would be to make example1.com a
virtual alias domain and set up a transport table with entries
        us...@example1.com      local:
        # ... etc. etc. ...
        example1.com            smtp:$HOW_TO_REACH_THE_MX
(with $HOW_TO_REACH_THE_MX being anything from "use the official MX from
DNS" to "contact this internal IP on this port, *without* DNS lookups",
whichever your (internal?) networking necessitates).


With a bit of luck, that might already "contain" the weirdness to the
point that neither the MX nor dovecot need config hacks.

Jochen Bern


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