On 28 July 2022 13.38.17 UTC, "João Silva" <joaopfml...@lipc.fis.uc.pt> wrote:
>Thanks a lot for this thread.
>I was starting to plan a system where multiples processes can write to a file 
>and completely forgot that syslog is designed to do that.
>It is a perfect solution, I only had to configure a local facility to receive 
>the data and add 3 lines of code to the program (including the import).
>On 28/07/2022 12:01, Paul Kudla (SCOM.CA Internet Services Inc.) wrote:
>> Hi - I use this python script to capture a socket (ie the log file) and then 
>> send it to syslog, i use this for all the systems that do not really support 
>> syslogging (apache etc)
>> basic useage
>> /usr/bin/nohup /programs/common/capture -s 
>> /usr/local/apache2/logs/httpd-access.log -l httpd -d -p httpd 
>> & > /dev/null
>> i typically run this at startup in rc.local
>> On 7/28/2022 6:17 AM, dovecot-boun...@dovecot.org wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm searching for a possibility to have the rawlog feature in lua, which 
>>> would be much easier for processing. Currently Dovecot, when activating 
>>> rawlog for a user, writes everything to disk (which creates I/O), and I 
>>> have to somehow read it from there. That's a bit complicated, because I 
>>> have to get notified via inotify or similar when there are new files 
>>> created, and then I have to start a "tail" or "epoll" mechanism on the 
>>> files to get the contents in more or less real time (IMAP sessions can be 
>>> multiple hours or days).
>>> It would be much easier to hook to the "raw request and response events" 
>>> inside Dovecot and have the rawlog-data in a lua script, where I can 
>>> prepare it and send it to another maschine for 
>>> monitoring/collection/analysis/statistics or similar, for example via HTTP.
>>> Having the rawlog data available in lua would make things a lot easier.
>>> Is there any possibility at the moment to create a lua script and "hook" to 
>>> those "request and response events"? If not, would it be possible to add 
>>> that feature in the future?
>>> Kind regards
>>> Michael

If you are only interested in IMAP commands you can use event exporter to send 
individual commands preparsed in json format to HTTP endpoint.


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