ok a little bit more info ....

My servers all run under FreeBSD 12.xx

which was also the base for the apple operating system origionally.

setting default_vsz_limit = 0 i seem to remember trying with no so great results

setting to zero can cause memory over runs (espically with replication) etc i found that when i used the config i sent eariler (vsz_limit is defaulted (not set )) everything worked

I generally find that tweaking the memory alloted to the individual services a more balanced approach but it does take a lot of trial and error

also note memory in the system is also a factor my mail servers have 32G dedicated to them which is what the settings were based on that seem to work pretty good at the moment.

I am running without any setting thus the default

I got this info from :



Limit the process’s address space (both RLIMIT_DATA and RLIMIT_AS if available). When the space is reached, some memory allocations may start failing with “Out of memory”, or the kernel may kill the process with signal 9. This setting is mainly intended to prevent memory leaks from eating up all of the memory, but there can be also legitimate reasons why the process reaches this limit. For example a huge mailbox may not be accessed if this limit is too low. The default value (18446744073709551615=2^64-1) sets the limit to default_vsz_limit, while 0 disables the limit entirely.

There are 3 types of services that need to be optimized in different ways:

    Master services (e.g. auth, anvil, indexer, director, log):

Currently there isn’t any easy way to optimize these. If these become a bottleneck, typically you need to run another Dovecot server. In some cases it may be possible to create multiple master processes and have each one be responsible for only specific users/processes, although this may also require some extra development.

Services that do disk I/O or other blocking operations (e.g. imap, pop3, lmtp):

These should have client_limit=1, because any blocking operation will block all the other clients and cause unnecessary delays and even timeouts. This means that process_limit specifies the maximum number of available parallel connections.

Services that have no blocking operations (e.g. imap-login, pop3-login):

For best performance (but a bit less safety), these should have process_limit and process_min_avail set to the number of CPU cores, so each CPU will be busy serving the process but without unnecessary context switches. Then client_limit needs to be set high enough to be able to serve all the needed connections (max connections=process_limit * client_limit). service_count is commonly set to unlimited (0) for these services. Otherwise when the service_count is beginning to be reached, the total number of available connections will shrink. With very bad luck that could mean that all the processes are simply waiting for the existing connections to die away before the process can die and a new one can be created. Although this could be made less likely by setting process_limit higher than process_min_avail, but that’s still not a guarantee since each process could get a very long running connection and the process_limit would be eventually reached.

Happy Saturday !!!
Thanks - paul

Paul Kudla

Scom.ca Internet Services <http://www.scom.ca>
004-1009 Byron Street South
Whitby, Ontario - Canada
L1N 4S3

Toronto 416.642.7266
Main 1.866.411.7266
Fax 1.888.892.7266
Email p...@scom.ca

On 1/6/2023 5:20 PM, Gerben Wierda wrote:
How problematic is it to have

default_vsz_limit = 0

in dovecot.conf? macOS+MacPorts had this as a requirement even.


On 6 Jan 2023, at 16:49, Paul Kudla <p...@scom.ca <mailto:p...@scom.ca>> wrote:

i ran into this as well

here is the full config for mine with replication

# cat dovecot.conf
# 2.3.14 (cee3cbc0d): /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
# OS: FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE amd64
# Hostname: mail18.scom.ca <http://mail18.scom.ca>

auth_debug = no
auth_debug_passwords = no

default_process_limit = 16384

mail_debug = no

#lock_method = dotlock
#mail_max_lock_timeout = 300s

#mbox_read_locks = dotlock
#mbox_write_locks = dotlock

mmap_disable = yes
dotlock_use_excl = no
mail_fsync = always
mail_nfs_storage = no
mail_nfs_index = no

auth_mechanisms = plain login
auth_verbose = yes
base_dir = /data/dovecot/run/
debug_log_path = syslog
disable_plaintext_auth = no
dsync_features = empty-header-workaround

info_log_path = syslog
login_greeting = SCOM.CA Internet Services Inc. - Dovecot ready
login_log_format_elements = user=<%u> method=%m rip=%r lip=%l mpid=%e %c

mail_location = maildir:~/

mail_plugins = " virtual notify replication fts fts_lucene "
mail_prefetch_count = 20

protocols = imap pop3 lmtp sieve

protocol lmtp {
 mail_plugins = $mail_plugins sieve
 postmaster_address =

service lmtp {
 vsz_limit = 512m
  unix_listener /usr/home/postfix.local/private/dovecot-lmtp {
    group = postfix
    mode = 0600
    user = postfix

protocol lda {
 mail_plugins = $mail_plugins sieve

service lda {
 vsz_limit = 512m

service imap {
 vsz_limit = 2g

service pop3 {
 vsz_limit = 512m

namespace inbox {
 inbox = yes
 location =
 mailbox Drafts {
   auto = subscribe
   special_use = \Drafts
 mailbox Sent {
   auto = subscribe
   special_use = \Sent
 mailbox Trash {
   auto = subscribe
   special_use = \Trash
 prefix =
 separator = /

passdb {
 args = /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot-pgsql.conf
 driver = sql

doveadm_port = 12345
doveadm_password = secretxxxx

service doveadm {
 process_limit = 0
 process_min_avail = 0
 idle_kill = 0
 client_limit = 1
 user = vmail
 inet_listener {
   port = 12345

service config {
 unix_listener config {
   user = vmail

dsync_remote_cmd = ssh -l%{login} %{host} doveadm dsync-server -u%u
#dsync_remote_cmd = doveadm sync -d -u%u

replication_dsync_parameters = -d -N -l 300 -U

plugin {
 mail_log_events = delete undelete expunge copy mailbox_delete mailbox_rename
 mail_log_fields = uid, box, msgid, from, subject, size, vsize, flags
 push_notification_driver = dlog

 sieve = file:~/sieve;active=~/sieve/.dovecot.sieve
 #sieve = ~/.dovecot.sieve
 sieve_duplicate_default_period = 1h
 sieve_duplicate_max_period = 1h
 sieve_extensions = +duplicate +notify +imapflags +vacation-seconds
 sieve_global_dir = /usr/local/etc/dovecot/sieve
 sieve_before = /usr/local/etc/dovecot/sieve/duplicates.sieve

 mail_replica = tcp:
 #mail_replica = remote:vmail@ <mailto:vmail@>
 #replication_sync_timeout = 2

 fts = lucene
 fts_lucene = whitespace_chars=@.
       fts_autoindex = yes
       fts_languages = en

#sieve_extensions = vnd.dovecot.duplicate

#sieve_plugins = vnd.dovecot.duplicate

service anvil {
 process_limit = 1
 vsz_limit = 512m
 unix_listener anvil {
   group = vmail
   mode = 0666

service indexer-worker {
       vsz_limit = 2g

service auth {
  process_limit = 1
  vsz_limit = 1g

  unix_listener auth-userdb {
     mode = 0660
     user = vmail
     group = vmail
  unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/auth {
     mode = 0666


service stats {
 process_limit = 1000
 vsz_limit = 1g
 unix_listener stats-reader {
   group = vmail
   mode = 0666
 unix_listener stats-writer {
   group = vmail
   mode = 0666
userdb {
 args = /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot-pgsql.conf
 driver = sql


protocol imap {
 mail_max_userip_connections = 50
 mail_plugins = $mail_plugins notify replication

protocol pop3 {
 mail_max_userip_connections = 50
 mail_plugins = $mail_plugins notify replication

protocol imaps {
 mail_max_userip_connections = 25
 mail_plugins = $mail_plugins notify replication

protocol pop3s {
 mail_max_userip_connections = 25
 mail_plugins = $mail_plugins notify replication

service managesieve-login {
 process_limit = 1000
 vsz_limit = 1g
 inet_listener sieve {
   port = 4190

verbose_proctitle = yes

replication_max_conns = 100

replication_full_sync_interval = 1d

service replicator {
 client_limit = 0
 drop_priv_before_exec = no
 idle_kill = 4294967295s
 process_limit = 1
 process_min_avail = 0
 service_count = 0
 vsz_limit = 8g
       unix_listener replicator-doveadm {
   mode = 0600
   user = vmail
 vsz_limit = 8192M

service aggregator {
 process_limit = 1000
 #vsz_limit = 1g
 fifo_listener replication-notify-fifo {
   user = vmail
   group = vmail
   mode = 0666


service pop3-login {
 process_limit = 1000
 client_limit = 100
 vsz_limit = 512m

service imap-urlauth-login {
 process_limit = 1000
 client_limit = 1000
 vsz_limit = 1g

service imap-login {
 client_limit = 1000
 vsz_limit = 1g

protocol sieve {
 managesieve_implementation_string = Dovecot Pigeonhole
 managesieve_max_line_length = 65536

#Addition ssl config
!include sni.conf

with sni cert support (examples)

# cat sni.conf
ssl = yes
verbose_ssl = yes
ssl_dh =</usr/local/etc/dovecot/dh-4096.pem
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers = yes
#ssl_min_protocol = TLSv1.2

#Default *.scom.ca <http://scom.ca>
ssl_key =</usr/local/etc/dovecot/scom.pem
ssl_cert =</usr/local/etc/dovecot/scom.pem
ssl_ca =</usr/local/etc/dovecot/scom.pem

local_name .scom.ca <http://scom.ca> {
ssl_key =</usr/local/etc/dovecot/scom.pem
ssl_cert =</usr/local/etc/dovecot/scom.pem
ssl_ca =</usr/local/etc/dovecot/scom.pem


local_name mail.clancyca.com <http://mail.clancyca.com> {
 ssl_key =</usr/local/etc/dovecot/cert/mail.clancyca.com <http://mail.clancyca.com>  ssl_cert =</usr/local/etc/dovecot/cert/mail.clancyca.com <http://mail.clancyca.com>  ssl_ca =</usr/local/etc/dovecot/cert/mail.clancyca.com <http://mail.clancyca.com>

local_name mail.paulkudla.net <http://mail.paulkudla.net> {
 ssl_key =</usr/local/etc/dovecot/cert/mail.paulkudla.net <http://mail.paulkudla.net>  ssl_cert =</usr/local/etc/dovecot/cert/mail.paulkudla.net <http://mail.paulkudla.net>  ssl_ca =</usr/local/etc/dovecot/cert/mail.paulkudla.net <http://mail.paulkudla.net>

local_name mail.ekst.ca <http://mail.ekst.ca> {
 ssl_key =</usr/local/etc/dovecot/cert/mail.ekst.ca <http://mail.ekst.ca>
 ssl_cert =</usr/local/etc/dovecot/cert/mail.ekst.ca <http://mail.ekst.ca>
 ssl_ca =</usr/local/etc/dovecot/cert/mail.ekst.ca <http://mail.ekst.ca>

local_name mail.hamletdevelopments.ca <http://mail.hamletdevelopments.ca> {  ssl_key =</usr/local/etc/dovecot/cert/mail.hamletdevelopments.ca <http://mail.hamletdevelopments.ca>  ssl_cert =</usr/local/etc/dovecot/cert/mail.hamletdevelopments.ca <http://mail.hamletdevelopments.ca>  ssl_ca =</usr/local/etc/dovecot/cert/mail.hamletdevelopments.ca <http://mail.hamletdevelopments.ca>

pg sql support supporting replication

# cat dovecot-pgsql.conf
driver = pgsql
connect = host=localhost port=5433 dbname=scom_billing user=pgsql password=
default_pass_scheme = PLAIN

password_query = SELECT username as user, password FROM email_users WHERE username = '%u' and password <> 'alias' and status = True and destination = '%u'

user_query = SELECT home, uid, gid FROM email_users WHERE username = '%u' and password <> 'alias' and status = True and destination = '%u'

#iterate_query = SELECT user, password FROM email_users WHERE username = '%u' and password <> 'alias' and status = True and destination = '%u'

iterate_query = SELECT "username" as user, domain FROM email_users WHERE status = True and alias_flag = False

Happy Friday !!!
Thanks - paul

Paul Kudla

Scom.ca <http://Scom.ca> Internet Services <http://www.scom.ca <http://www.scom.ca>>
004-1009 Byron Street South
Whitby, Ontario - Canada
L1N 4S3

Toronto 416.642.7266
Main 1.866.411.7266
Fax 1.888.892.7266
Email p...@scom.ca <mailto:p...@scom.ca>

On 1/6/2023 5:32 AM, Gerben Wierda wrote:
On 6 Jan 2023, at 08:53, Aki Tuomi <aki.tu...@open-xchange.com <mailto:aki.tu...@open-xchange.com>> wrote:

On January 6, 2023 3:56:39 AM GMT+02:00, Gerben Wierda <gerben.wie...@rna.nl <mailto:gerben.wie...@rna.nl>> wrote:
One step further in my quest to create a replacement mail server.

I now have my old mail server (, macOS + MacPorts) and my new (2.3.20, Alpine Linux, Docker, apk package). When I turn on replication it works, but, after a while I see:

Jan 06 00:50:31 replicator: Panic: data stack: Out of memory when allocating 268435496 bytes Jan 06 00:50:32 replicator: Fatal: master: service(replicator): child 133 killed with signal 6 (core dumped) Jan 06 00:50:32 lmtp(pid 195 user sysbh): Warning: replication(sysbh): Sync failure: Jan 06 00:50:32 lmtp(pid 195 user sysbh): Warning: replication(sysbh): Remote sent invalid input: -

I've removed synchronous operation for now (found a message on the net suggesting that) but is this known and what does it mean?

Gerben Wierda (LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerbenwierda <https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerbenwierda>>)
R&A IT Strategy <https://ea.rna.nl/ <https://ea.rna.nl/>> (main site)
Book: Chess and the Art of Enterprise Architecture <https://ea.rna.nl/the-book/ <https://ea.rna.nl/the-book/>> Book: Mastering ArchiMate <https://ea.rna.nl/the-book-edition-iii/ <https://ea.rna.nl/the-book-edition-iii/>>

Dovecot default memory limit is 256M. You should probably set

service replicator {
 vsz_limit = 2G

because replicator might have to use more memory, especially for larger indexes.

That is a good tip as well.
I had followed this bit of experience from someone else: https://marc.info/?l=dovecot&m=164438199727640 <https://marc.info/?l=dovecot&m=164438199727640>, haven't seen any err message since. But that might be because they are in sync now and both sides are aware. Can I trigger full replication again so I can test?
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