The weekly newsletter from CNET
Vol. 4, No. 17
April 27, 1999

Greetings from the Internet's software source!

For months we've been salivating over all the big-name games reportedly
coming to the Mac. Well, the wait is over...sort of. One of the most
anticipated games of the year, Quake 3 has reared its head first on the
Mac platform. While the final release is still a ways off, Q3Test is out,
offering a sneak peek at two levels of multiplayer shoot-'em-up action.
And since this major release came out for the Mac first, I can't help but
wonder: how many PC gamers rushed out to buy new G3s just to be one of
the first to try Q3? I'm not going to lose any sleep pondering the
question, 'cause I got the download right here:,302,0-0427-2-001,00.html

Jim Stanley
Associate editor, CNET

(Unsubscribe instructions are at the bottom of this newsletter.)


The Best in Software and Beyond!
The best packaged and downloadable software titles.
A click away from, the software superstore.
>From games to utilities, the software you're looking for.



 1. CNET Exclusives you don't want to miss
 2. From the emailbag: answers frequently asked questions
 3. The week in reviews
    --Photo Editors Topic Center, Power Downloader's Weekly Picks
 4. The week in wares: the latest and greatest software releases
    --Quick MP3, NetFinder, Windows Tamer, G3 Firmware Update,
      Darwin Streaming Server, SafeDog and SafeCat
 5. This week's in-crowd: our most popular downloads
 6. Gamecenter's GamerX: Quake 3 test
 7. Tip of the week
 8. How to subscribe/unsubscribe to our newsletter


1. CNET Exclusives you don't want to miss

In a rush? You'll have all the time in the world with CITYTIME, a
PalmPilot utility that displays the time in five cities at once, as well
as the time in 125 more cities with just a click on the program's
real-time view of the world:,302,0-0427-2-002,00.html


2. From the emailbag: answers frequently asked questions

>I like the new layout, but I'm confused about how to find the programs I
>want. Like when I'm looking for the new PalmPilot software, I click on
>New Releases and a whole bunch of things come up ... How can I get it to
>show only the Palm Pilot software? thanks, Jorge

You're in luck, Jorge. Thanks to our new design, there are now several
ways to tailor search results to your liking. For instance, say you're at's home page and you want to find the latest and greatest
programs for the Palm OS. Simply click the "New Releases" link, and when
the search results appear, scroll towards the bottom of the page. Just
below the list of programs you'll find a couple of drop-down menus with
the phrase "Filter list by:" next to them. One of these menus allows you
to filter by operating system. Just click it, scroll down to "Palm OS"
and select it, then click the "Update" button, and voila: you've now got
PalmPilot software at your fingertips. (On the flip side, you can select
another OS--such as Mac OS 8--to filter out PalmPilot software.) Also,
the other drop-down menu will let you sort by software license: freeware,
shareware, or demo.

Note that if you're on the PC side of, you won't be able to
sort by Mac OS, and if you're on the Mac side, you won't be able to
locate Windows software. (You can switch back and forth between the PC
and Mac versions of by clicking "For PC" or "For Mac"; these
links appear above and to the left of the software categories on our home
page.) Hope that helps to clear up your confusion. Good luck searching!

And don't forget that you can always send questions and comments about
downloading to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


3. The week in reviews

Photo Editors Topic Center: Did that roll of photos you took turn out too
dark? Too bright? Too blurry? Don't fret--our Topic Center has all the
tools, tips, and downloads you'll need to touch up your images:,302,0-0427-2-003,00.html

Power Downloader: This week our software superheroes shield the Power Pad
from the truly tasteless and enjoy a laugh on Viagra:,302,0-0427-2-004,00.html


Sign up for free email and receive the world's best email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Just click here:


4. The week in wares: the latest and greatest software releases


File size: 387K
License: shareware ($5)
Minimum requirements: PowerPC, System 7, QuickTime 4

Psst! Want to expand the MP3 capabilities of QuickTime 4? QuickMP3 is a
QT4-based MP3 player that can load, play, and save custom playlists
(groups of MP3 audio files) for your listening pleasure. It also features
a simple interface, intelligent playlist commands, drag-and-drop file
support, random/continuous play modes, and more. Sure, QuickMP3 isn't as
snazzy-looking as Apple's standard QuickTime Player, but its additional
playback features make it an essential download for all QT4-savvy MP3
listeners. You make the playlist:,302,0-0427-2-005,00.html

Multimedia and design software updates:

MacAmp Lite 1.52,302,0-0427-2-006,00.html

Virtual Drummer 4.0.1,302,0-0427-2-007,00.html

Find the latest multimedia and design software here:,302,0-0427-2-008,00.html


File size: 2.2MB
License: shareware ($35.00)
Minimum requirements: System 7

Losing a Net connection in the middle of a download stinks. But with an
FTP browser like NetFinder at your side, resuming interrupted downloads
is a snap. Internet-Config aware, NetFinder performs on-the-fly encoding
and decoding of BinHex and MacBinary files, and is compatible with both
Internet Explorer and Netscape. Downloading protocol:,302,0-0427-2-009,00.html

Internet software updates:

LinkUPPP 3.0,302,0-0427-2-010,00.html

Mail Agent 1.2.5,302,0-0427-2-011,00.html

Find all the latest Internet software here:,302,0-0427-2-012,00.html


File Size: 463K
License: shareware ($10)
Minimum requirements: PowerPC, Mac OS 8.1

If you run multiple applications at one time, you know the agony of
dealing with all those open windows. With Window Tamer, window management
has never been so easy. With it, you can save the view options of a
window and apply them to another window with but one mouse click. What's
more, Window Tamer saves the offset of two windows, so stacking them is
no longer a problem. Get a handle:,302,0-0427-2-013,00.html

Utilities software updates:

Time Palette 3.1.5,302,0-0427-2-014,00.html

Keys Off 1.3,302,0-0427-2-015,00.html

Find the latest utilities software here:,302,0-0427-2-016,00.html


File size: 1.2MB
License: freeware
Minimum requirements: Mac OS 8.5, blue and white G3

Blue and white G3 owners, don't delay! Install this firmware from Apple
on your machine and improve the performance of your PCI devices and
FireWire ports. This update also fixes problems with NetBooting and Open
Firmware for the Mac OS X Server, keeping networked servers running
smoothly. Power up your G3:,302,0-0427-2-017,00.html

Find the latest drivers here:,302,0-0427-2-019,00.html


File size: 1.4MB
License: freeware

Last week, Apple made available the code that enables Mac OS X Server to
efficiently stream QuickTime files. While it's not the source to
QuickTime itself, Darwin Streaming Server makes it possible for inclined
individuals to set up QuickTime servers on platforms other than just Mac
OS X. Get the source here:,302,0-0427-2-020,00.html

Development tools updates:

Aladdin StuffIt Engine SDK 5.1.2,302,0-0427-2-021,00.html

Find the latest development tools here:,302,0-0427-2-022,00.html


File sizes: 191K each
Licenses: shareware ($7)
Minimum requirements: System 7, FileMaker Pro

Calling all pet lovers: with SafeDog and SafeCat, you can keep detailed
information about your pet's health history. Simply print out a copy
before taking a trip to the groomer or boarder, and rest assured that
Sparky or Fluffy is in safe hands. A separate database stores training
charts and emergency contact info, in case you ever find Fluffy stuck up
in the tree. Here, kitty, kitty:,302,0-0427-2-023,00.html

Home and personal software updates:

Baseball Statistics 1.3,302,0-0427-2-024,00.html

Hardotheque 5.2,302,0-0427-2-025,00.html

Find the latest home and personal software here:,302,0-0427-2-026,00.html


5. This week's in-crowd: our most popular downloads

 1. Star Wars, Episode I: The Phantom Menace Trailer     11,837 downloads
 2. QuickTime 4                                           9,088 downloads
 3. MacTuner                                              4,540 downloads
 4. Tomb Raider Gold                                      3,982 downloads
 5. Aladdin StuffIt Expander                              3,333 downloads
 6. MacAmp                                                2,963 downloads
 7. ICQ (PowerPC with chat)                               2,738 downloads
 8. Fetch                                                 2,622 downloads
 9. Action GoMac                                          2,572 downloads
10. Deer Avenger                                          2,569 downloads

For more details on CNET's Most Popular files, click here:,302,0-0427-2-027,00.html


6. Gamecenter's GamerX tests multiplayer Quake 3

File size: 21.4MB
License: demo
Minimum requirements: G3, Rage Pro (128 preferred), OpenGL, Draw/Input
Sprockets, Open Transport

Get ready, Mac gamers--Quake 3 Arena is just around the corner. Id
Software just released a Mac-only "test" version of Quake 3: Arena that
sports two levels for you to unleash your multiplayer prowess. Is it
worth the download? If you've got a top-notch G3, you betcha--GamerX has
rarely seen such beautiful gaming graphics on his Mac. Q3Test is
multiplayer only, so you'll also want to download Q3Finder in order to
search for available network game servers. Get in the game:

Q3Test and Q3Finder:,302,0-0427-2-028,00.html

Games updates:

Deadlock 1.1b3,302,0-0427-2-030,00.html

Find all the latest Mac games here:,302,0-0427-2-031,00.html


7. Tip of the week

If you're looking for software for an OS such as BeOS or Linux, we've got
a search feature just for you. Using our Power Search page, you can
tailor your search results for a number of different OSs, including BeOS,
PalmPilot, Unix/Linux, and the different versions of the Mac and Windows
OSes. Advanced searching:,334,0,00.html


8. How to subscribe/unsubscribe to our newsletter

You are receiving this Download Dispatch newsletter because we have
received a subscription request for your email address, or because
someone you know has sent it to you. To subscribe to this or other CNET
newsletters, please visit:

If you do not wish to receive the Download Dispatch, please visit this
page to unsubscribe:,300,dlm,00.html?dd.dl.m.0427.34

*A technical note for our dispatch readers*

If you get an error page when you click links in this newsletter, please
try copying the entire link (including the ".html") and then pasting it
into your browser's URL field. There are a variety of email clients in
use by our subscribers, and because each client handles links
differently, broken links sometimes occur. We are working on solving this
issue and appreciate your patience.


                *Birthday wishes to Samuel F.B. Morse,
         inventor of the telegraph and the code that bears his name.*

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