OK Bob...  WARNING  only try this if you feel safe looking around in your
registry...  I only want you to look right now...

Open regedit (can type 'run regedit' in DQSD)
Look at HKey_Classes_Root and scroll down to the http section (mine is in
second set of alphabetical listings)
Then loook in shell folder.

What do you see in there... Mine has a folder for Crazy Browser.  If IE is
trying to handle this there will probably be an IE key in there.
Then look in the http\shell\open key... anything about IE in there?  Mine
does not.

If you want you can send pics of what you see if you aren't sure.

Let me know.


 -----Original Message-----
[mailto:dqsd-users-admin@;lists.sourceforge.net]  On Behalf Of Bob Ulius
Sent:   Friday, November 15, 2002 5:41 PM
Subject:        Re: [DQSD-Users] Script error

That doesn't help, John.

How strange, eh?

----- Original Message -----
From: "John W. Bairen, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: November 15, 2002 2:33 PM
Subject: RE: [DQSD-Users] Script error

| Hmm Bob.  Would seem to me (especially since it works for the other John)
| that your MyIE2 isn't set as default in 1 place (the 1 place that matters
| here) deep down in your system somewhere or something.  One more thought
| you try this...
| In your localprefs.js add this line, then save and reload DQSD:
| pagetemplate="maximized.htm";
| If you have a recent DQSD install this file should be in your DQSD
| directory.  Let me know if this helps...  This causes a blank page to get
| loaded then redirected to the page for the search  I am wondering if this
| might relieve the problem.  It might not be the best solution, but it
| point us in the right direction.
| Thanks,
| JB
|  -----Original Message-----
| [mailto:dqsd-users-admin@;lists.sourceforge.net]  On Behalf Of John
| Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 10:40 AM
| Subject: Re: [DQSD-Users] Script error
| On Fri, 15 Nov 2002 06:47:23 -0800, you wrote:
| > No problem testing this John. Thanks for hanging in there with me.
| >
| > www.myway.com fails with the same error. Same with http://www.myway.com
| >
| > When set IE as default,works as expected. Only fails with that error
| using
| > my default browser.
| >
| > -=Bob=-
| >
| Not sure if this has been said before, but I'm using MyIE2 and don't have
| this problem.
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