Hi Fabio,

> Yes but it does not open it in a new window.
> What I'm asking is to have the possibility to combine
> the new window shortcut (SHIFT+ENTER) and the
> completion shortcut (CTRL+ENTER).

It does on my box.
Do you have any settings in prefs that might be making it function
differently? For example, are you using a template to start IE? Are
you using IE? Is your IE pref set to "reuse windows for launching

The last one there requires a special handling for starting the url in
IE - iow, DQSD wouldn't be as portable (function with other browsers
equally as well) if it were coded to behave by ignoring this
preference in the IE settings. It would require a command-line switch
when starting the iexplore.exe file, whereas if you change your IE
settings you'll get that behaviour by default.


Shawn K. Hall

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