I use DQSD's help to deselect searches I know I won't use (259 
unused, 132 used; no doubt they are all useful to somebody and may 
someday be useful to me).  That creates the disabledsearch.txt 
file.  If a new version of DSQD comes out, or disabledsearches.txt is 
updated, I just run a batch file that is driven by disabledsearch.txt 
to rename the unused searches, so they don't load and they don't show 
up in the help file.  qsfreq looks like a good idea to use 
though.  The batch file is:

::change this if you have a different location for search files.
cd "C:\Program Files\Quick Search Deskbar\searches"
::Note that the "FOR /F" command is an extended command, but is part 
of a standard XP install.
FOR /F %%s IN (..\disabledsearches.txt) DO move %%s.xml 

At 12:07 PM 2/23/2008, you wrote:
>Has anyone looked at the help information lot loading for any disabled
>searches? A reload keeps all the disabled searches in the help.
>Thanks, Tom.

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