
Does this occur only in CW?

Early TR-7s required a mod to prevent them from waking up in transmit
when turned on in CW mode.  Perhaps that hasn't been done to yours.

The "Pop mod" was done to the 2nd IF/Audio board.  It connected R1112
to the +10R line instead of +10 CW line.  Also added a 1.5 K resistor
in series with CR1119.  I have a dog-eared copy of the "Pop" mod if
anyone wants a scan of it.

Tom, AG9X

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 8:33 AM, GrampZ <teamt...@roadrunner.com> wrote:
> My TR-7 has some funny behavior at startup sometimes. The lights will blink
> for a split second and maybe a burst of noise and then it seems to shut
> down. The fan is still running but nothing else. At times, I've had to turn
> it on/off/on several times to get it to start up properly. My first W.A.G.
> is that some sort of protection circuit is getting tripped.
> Jay
> SoCal

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