----- Original Message ----- From: "Charles Ring" <w...@roadrunner.com>
To: <drakelist@zerobeat.net>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 6:13 PM
Subject: [Drakelist] 2-C

The received audio in my 2-C is completely dead. This had happened before and then resolved itself but is back. The S-meter still shows the calibrator signal, and feeding tone into the sidetone jack produces weak audio that is not very responsive to the AF gain control and is modulated with 60Hz.. No difference between the AM and either of the two sideband positions. There is a slight hum in the speaker and considerable hum on the 60uF section of the triple filter cap, which is a new replacement one. No audio on the mode switch. Advice?

lets look at the circuit, there are a couple of handbooks and a schematic at BAMA if you don't already have them. The first step as always is to check the power supplies. Make sure the 12V and 10V busses have the right voltage on them and that there is little or no ripple. The 10V supply appears to be dropped from the 12V supply so check the latter. This supply has a 1000 uf cap across it so it should be pretty pure. The entire audio stage runs off this supply. The hum bothers me. It could indicate the power supply is malfunctioning or that there is an open ground somewhere. The usual voodoo for these (and much other equipment) is to work all the screws to make sure they are making good contact because many grounds are returned to the chassis through them. The 12V rectifier is a full wave one so the ripple should be 120hz. If you are hearing 60 hz and the supply seems OK its probably an open ground somewhere. The audio is solid state and has three stages, Q4, Q6 and Q7. The volume control is ahead of Q4 and should control the input to this transistor including the side tone. The side tone jack is connected right to the wiper of the volume control so it will work in reverse to tell you what is there. I would use a scope on this jack and see if there is audio there. If so, its getting lost further on. If its not there or is weak I would look at the cap across the pot first. This is C-62, a 0.05uf cap. Its possible, although unlikely that its shorted or has developed a low resistance. I think its more likely that C-65 has problem. This is the coupling cap to Q4. Since you have a scope (to look at the ripple) I would first confirm there is a signal at the side tone jack and then trace it along the audio chain to see where its getting lost. Since the position of the function switch (that is AM or SSB) does not seem to affect the problem its likely after the switch S-5.

Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles

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