A few days ago, some lowlife spammer sent over 6,000 emails to the list.

As far as I can tell, none of them made it through, but the server suffered.

At this point no new memberscan be added. The list may go inactive for a day or so while I replace the hair I have torn out, apologized to my daughter and neighbors for the language I have been using, and determine how to fix the remainder of the problems left by the

On another front, I setup a blacksmith shop at one of my customer's facility www.baltimorestreetcar.org I hope to be able to install my station there and operate via remote control from home.

If you're into metal torture, you might be interested in http://lacostafamily.com/blacksmith/index.html

Thanks for your patience with the list.

Thom k3hrn

Drakelist mailing list

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