-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n355 --------------

    001 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - Computer Dreams
    002 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - Alanna
    003 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - bleeding organs

Electric Dreams: Dream Flow
A fountain of dreams in Cyberspace

--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n355.1 ---------------

From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Computer Dreams
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2000 20:54:24 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Dream Title              Computer Dreams  Dana
Date of Dream

Jan-Mar  various times
Dream                    All I would see in my dreams were the screen of 
the computer.  The words were in bright colors and I heard voices from 
voice chat.  I was always in the pregnancy chat room(I was in my third 
trimester of pregnancy at the time).  I would ask questions in the room 
about pregnancy and talk about baby names and labor stories.  Mostly when I 
was having these dreams it was with the regulars that came into that 
room.  I would time out with my ISP and that is usually when I awoke.
Comments by Dreamer      I would often wake my mother from talking in my 
sleep and she said that I would move my hands as if typing.  I was on 
bed-rest my last trimester and I had a laptop in which I spent most of the 
day in the pregnancy chat room.  The rest of the day I was chatting in my 
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--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n355.2 ---------------

From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Alanna
Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2000 10:11:30 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Dream Title              Alanna
Date of Dream            Unknown
Dream                    The other night I had a strange dream.  There is 
this person in my life that I care about, but haven't seen in years.  Well, 
in the dream I was with him in a building and he seemed so sad.  I didn't 
talk with him, just watched as he talked with other people with a very sad 
look on his face.  Then I awoke.
Comments by Dreamer      A few days later I learned through a friend that 
his brother, whom he was extremely close with, died.
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--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n355.3 ---------------

From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: bleeding organs
Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2000 10:14:59 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Dream Title              bleeding organs
Date of Dream            6-8-2000
Dream                    I was dreaming that my sister fysicaly abuses me 
and that there was coming blood and organs out of my mouth. No-one seemed 
to be noticing it.But while I was dreaming this, another dream was also 
there, it is like i dreamed two stories. The other one was that i order 
food in a local shop, where you can combine you're own dinner, and i order 
two fatty omelets and chips and ther was trouble with counting how much it 
costed. Oh yeh, my sister had trouble counting, and got mad at me, 
fysically and so i counted it, there were 3 numbers, i can't remeber wich, 
but two wher something like xx,xx en xx,xx and the other xx,xxx. So that 
was de difficulty. My brother saw me bleeding and spitting organlike meat.

Then ther was a meeting with a videomovie, where ther was a men who wasn't 
himself anymore and he had possible abused his girlfriend (that person was 
me, but didn'tlook like me)

She sat next to the man while watching the movie and then he stood op when 
the abuse was on screen, and left the room. (So it was one dream after all.)
Comments by Dreamer
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--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n355 ---------------

dream-flow is for the sharing of dreams
Courtesy of DreamGate www.dreamgate.com

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