I had some time yesterday and thought I'd do a quick comparision of the DRI drivers and fglrx drivers for three different cards I have, and I thought others on this list might be interested in the results. All tests were conducted on a dual 2.8 xeon, with a gig of RAM. The cards are a 9600AS with 256 megs of RAM, a 9000Pro with 129 megs of RAM, and an X700 with 256 megs. After each test with the DRI drivers, I rebooted and ran the exact same one with the FireGL drivers. The DRI drivers are from Mesa (and DRM) CVS from Thursday. The FireGL drivers are the latest available at the moment (I don't remember the version number off the top of my head). There have been no game specific changes made in driconf.

Using "timedemo demo1" in doom3 (640x480, "low quality" settings), this is what I got:

9600 - fgl - 13.4 FPS
9600 - dri - 15 FPS

9000 - fgl - 14 FPS
9000 - dri - 17.6 FPS

X700 - fgl - 13.8 FPS
X700 - dri - 14.7 FPS

Using umark for benchmarking UT2004 (1024x768 with all "low" or "very low" display settings)... First DM-1on1-Albatross:

9600 - fgl - 11.378239 / 35.393394 / 82.763985 fps - Score = 35.407494
9600 - dri - 5.033368 / 8.846323 / 17.930601 fps - Score = 8.850811

9000 - fgl -  13.003528 / 31.308100 / 93.127403 fps - Score = 31.318676
9000 - dri - 6.515143 / 11.408949 / 22.809250 fps  - Score = 11.415204

X700 - fgl - 12.597370 / 43.225315 / 114.483971 fps - Score = 43.069965
X700 - dri - 5.531275 / 9.642255 / 24.157600 fps - Score = 9.647329


9600 - fgl - 11.864109 / 39.673630 / 107.136818 fps - Score = 39.679264
9600 - dri - .755556 / 9.333500 / 21.820055 fps - Score = 9.336345

9000 - fgl - 13.001156 / 27.800968 / 77.328308 fps - Score = 27.807644
9000 - dri - 7.519938 / 12.948973 / 27.574434 fps - Score = 12.951131

X700 - fgl - 21.063986 / 69.125237 / 155.321548 fps - Score = 65.804871
X700 - dri - 6.243832 / 9.895700 / 32.778217 fps - Score = 9.896439

In retrospect, I should have done ut2004 at 640x480 to get a better comparison of how it stacks up to doom3.


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