On Sunday 29 September 2002 10:13 pm, Jason Cook wrote:
> Nicholas,
> I have followed the advice that others gave you in their replies and
> have been able to find the info on environmental variables but I have
> not looked in the right place for XF86Config Options. Do you know
> where to find them?

Well, it appears that the driver-specific man-pages have them:


However, some man pages are missing, notably ati radeon.  Also, these
only cover what was available at the 4.2.1 release--not what is
currently in DRI CVS.  (does dri-cvs contain the man page sources?--I
didn't think it did.)

> I use for my Radeon VIVO (QD)
>     Option      "AGPMode" "4"
>     Option      "AGPSize" "64"
>     Option      "RingSize" "8"
>     Option      "BufferSize" "2"
>     Option      "EnableDepthMoves" "true"
>     Option    "EnablePageFlip" "true"
>     Option      "AGPFastWrite" "1"

I only knew about AGPMode and the last two.  What do the others do?

> Are there others I've missed? Are these Radeon specific? I have seen
> in a post for the Voodoo5 the Option "DisableSLI" "1" or something
> similar. It would be nice to have ready access to these goodies. I
> scoured the forums for the ones I found. But where did other people
> find them? I know RTFM, but which one?

I don't know, that's why I started this thread ;)


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