On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, Philip Brown wrote:

>> [....]
>> IMHO, the names of functions and the file they are located in 
>> should be based on the functionality that they are providing, and 
>> should be grouped based on similar functionality and not based on 
>> similarities in portions of their names.
>I agree with that sentiment 100%.
>Which is why when I see the function in question, as providing a
>DRI-specific function that does not *exist* if DRI is not compiled in,
>it seems straightforward to me that as such, it should have a 
>DRI-oriented name, and belongs in radeon_dri.c

With several people in disagreement with you though, I guess it
might be a decision perhaps that should fall more into the lap of
the driver maintainer or project lead or somesuch.

Mike A. Harris     ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris
OS Systems Engineer - XFree86 maintainer - Red Hat

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