I was playing with winex, after paying for some games and a TransGaming
subscription.  In the cfg there are options to enable/disable the use of
some OpenGL extensions, one being ARB_VBO.  I saw that when using frglx
there were some of these advertised by glxinfo, but not with SW/Mesa or

First I was wondering what it would take, as far as bribes, to get at
least as far as the frglx drivers have with supporting this extension.

Since I have to pay for winex... I also saw on this list that some R200
DMA memory layouts matched thoes used by DirectX and that to match the
OpenGL ordering there was some swaping going on.  I know the overhead is
minimal, especialy with 32bit CPUs.  However it would be a nice laught if
OpenGL had some extentions for the CARDs idea of how things should be
ordered.  The idea being that any DirectX implementation for X(like winex)
would not need to swap the bytes into OpenGLs prefered order when the CARD
expects the data tobe in DirectX's order.

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